Doctor Sipari
22 hours ago
Is tapswap a scam



2 people voted
Doctor Sipari
22 hours ago
Do any one know when tapswap token launches. I have looked online and it saus today but it dosent show? Anyone have something.
Doctor Sipari
2 days ago
Making a new meme coin. name is pikachard. what do you think?
Doctor Sipari
24 days ago
I am Launching a new coin soon!! The name of the coin is mocking spongebob. What do we think about the idea? comment!
The link to the telegram is here.
Doctor Sipari
24 days ago
I am Launching a new coin soon!! The name of the coin is mocking spongebob. What do we think about the idea? comment!
The link to the telegram is here.
Catronaut Solana
28 days ago
We're thrilled to share that our journey on http://pump.fun has had an amazing start, and we've now made it to Raydium! This milestone wouldn't have been possible without the incredible support and enthusiasm of our fantastic community. A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this adventure with us!