14 hours ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - September 16

Never a dull day in this space

Binance Unexpected Listing
$neiro -> $151m to $70 .83m (-45%)
$neiro -> $14 .9m to $180 .6m (12.1x), CTO Neiro
- After influencers were bragging about the $neiro listing, binance actually listed the OG CTO $neiro
- The market has now chosen their winner
- The one that was listed is the one that VitalikButerin
interacted with
- The influencer pushed one dumped, while the CTO one pumped +1300%

Neiro Related Coins
$neiro -> $5m to $9 .47m (1.89x), on $sol
$ginnan -> $209k to $4 .74m (22.6x), $doge 's brother, on $eth , there's another one sitting at $19m
$rintaro -> hit $1m , " $neiro 's twin brother "

Trump Spaces
$fight -> $3 .83m to $18 .57m (4.84x), on $eth
$djt -> $2 .2m to $10 .2m (4.63x), "TrumpCoin"
$fight -> $200k to $871k (4.35x), on $solworldlibertyfi

Runner Of The Week
$moodeng -> $3m to $7 .63m (2.54x), viral hippo, continues ot push

Fomo Launches A Token
$UwU -> hit $362k , good meme
- $35k + in LP Rewards
- Launched by fomomofosol
, one of the realest & most trusted in the space

Hyped Launches
$dwolf -> $2 .4m to $5 .6m (2.33x), secured exchange listings today
$mushy -> hit $4m

$dev -> $5 .63m to $10 .14m (1.8x),
ChartFuMonkey's coin, $556k + in LP Rewards
$luci -> $1 .31m to $4 .13m (3.15x), $121k + in LP Rewards
$jinx -> $130k to $293k (2.25x), $52k + in LP Rewards, good art
$wade -> hit $454k , good dev, random meme

More Cooks
$ball -> $183k to $1 .78m (9.73x), "Ball Up Top", viral meme
$flash -> hit $393k , cute dog, infinitely memeable
$SBCLTR -> hit $363k , "Subculture"
$larp -> hit $323k , "lame ass roleplaying posers", good ticker
$random -> hit $246k , cool concept, website generates a random image
$bwed -> hit $212k , bread meme
$zeus -> hit $210k , good art, pushed by KOLs
$fud -> hit $179k , good ticker
$wong -> hit $162k , CTO

Uptober soon?
Astro peng
18 hours ago
🕊️ Changpeng Zhao will be released from prison next week.

Former CEO of #binance to be released from prison next week after serving 4 months on money laundering charges 💸

Although he can no longer hold a senior position at Binance, he remains a majority shareholder and will be able to influence the company's long-term goals.
Astro peng
20 hours ago

Compared to #Bitcoin The iPhone 16 will be the cheapest new iPhone EVER 😎🔥

1 day ago
Steps to making your first $100 ,000 in memecoins

1. Follow the right people (I'll make a list soon)
2. Stare at bullx_io's pump vision
3. Write down every runner you see for the day
4. Find what each runner had in common
5. Use volume to your advantage. It's the single best indicator in this space: if you see constant 2-10 sol buys with almost no sells, odds are that someone has alpha on that coin
6. Interact with others on twitter, share your plays, prove that you're a hard worker
7. Join small circles of trench grinders
8. Profit

There really isn't any secrets to making it in this space. anyone can do it

Be terminally online & outwork everyone else
2 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - September 15

Volume is picking up, today was very decent

SCF Lead Gone Rogue
$scf -> hit $2 .67m, new one
$scf -> $37m to $24 .4m (-34%), OG
- SCF's CTO lead feels betrayed by the team
- He decided to launch his own $scf on moonshot
- He claims he will airdrop all OG $scf holders
- $132k + in LP Rewards
- Read through his tweets for more info: PastorKelby

DeGods Launches A Coin
$degod -> hit $326m , hit a low of $52m , now sitting at $92m
- Heavily sniped on launch
- Degods is simplifying their entire ecosystem into a single asset

Iggy Azalea Come Back
$mother -> $32 .5m to $62 .11m (1.91x), whales have been loading up,

Moonshot Launches
$shawk -> hit $3 .35m, hyped launch, $72k + in LP Rewards
$rollie -> hit $438k , $8k in LP Rewards

Moo Deng Wants More
$moodeng -> $1 .54m to $4 .98m (3.23x), viral hippo

Cat Memes
$tole -> $10k to $615k (61.5x), cat meme launched on July 17, CTO started today
$fade -> $183k to $726k (3.96x), "Don't Fade me"
$yumi -> hit $155k , cat meme

More Cooks
$abcde -> $1 .98m to $3 .72m (1.87x), pushing for ATH
$wog -> $285k to $1 .11m (3.89x), $fwog + dog
$ball -> $70k to $615k (8.78x), "Ball Up Top", viral meme
$immortal -> hit $468k , r

Thoughts on the SCF situation? Hope some of you cooked on the new one 🤝
2 days ago
Temi is the one, breaking through the matrix of memecoins. Green candles loading… 🟩💻


3 days ago
GM BullVerse! MagicRaidMoney bot is now offering a 7-Day Free Trial to experience this one of a kind bot for your community! The MIM community has now had almost 900 raids and nearly 1,000,000 MIM has been rewarded using MRM! Come see why we can't possibly go back to using any other bots for our raids!

4 days ago
Only Trust Yourself

All bears are suddenly bulls because we're up 3% today

When we're down 3%, they're all going to flip back to being bears

Develop your own thesis, make a plan & stick to it

Never take trades solely based on someone else's opinion

Block out the noise
4 days ago
Based on my data from all the entries in the No Rugs Channel, since Monday, there is only one token that didn't go above 20%

This put the channel at a 94,45% win rate since the last update; something that you could never find in any other group or channel.

Astro peng
5 days ago
💥 Bitcoin is correlated with money supply growth!

The "coincidence" between the ATHs of the last two bullruns and the coin issuance is striking!

⏳ The return of the printing press being only a matter of time, this is rather good news for us 👌
5 days ago
🚨 #BullPay New Listing Alert! 📈

$KIT is now listed as a payment method on BullPay.

Kitsune is a Telegram bot suite for Solana. Known for their R2E bot and one of the strongest communities in the space.

You can now use KIT to pay for services, exclusive content, and digital products through BullPay.

Congratulations to the team and community over at
@Kitsune !
5 days ago (E)
Someone has bought $STACY with 50sol, mc went up from
400k -> 570k, if you see buy like this at those levels u know that u are in a right place
Astro peng
5 days ago
🚨 The $1 .5 million CryptoPunks 2386 just sold for just $23 ,000 in a stroke of genius.

To put this into context, you should know that this CryptoPunk was split into 10,000 ERC20 tokens on 09/26/2020, and distributed among 257 holders, via a platform now out of service called Niftex.

Indeed, this NFT being very rare, it had been split in order to become more affordable and to allow everyone to own a part of a Punks.

But with the platform closed, it became difficult to sell or buy a fragment of this Punk.

However, the smart contract linked to the NFT remained valid on the blockchain, and an individual activated a buyback feature to ultimately take possession of the NFT for a fraction of its current value.

"Any shareholder can propose a buyout price, and if no one counters, he can buy the asset after 14 days."

So the offer was 0.001 ETH per share, or 10 ETH for the 10,000 shares. And the countdown that almost no one could see began.

After the 14 days, the individual got his hands on the NFT for a pittance.

Developer 0xQuit calls the operation the "theft of the century."
Tristan Tate
6 days ago
Imagine hating me but reading every few weeks/months that a corrupt police force find and steal from me MORE MONEY than you’ll make in your entire life.

Then tweeting that I’m poor “this time”.


Nobody can ever imagine how hilarious I find this.
6 days ago
Sentiment is down, and critics have been quick to point out ETH's underperformance against SOL while largely attributing this to a perceived loss of mindshare and users to L2s.

This narrative has sparked a crucial debate: Are L2s Ethereum?

brings the analysis...


🤔 Symbiotic or Separatist?
L2s have been a core component of Ethereum's rollup-centric roadmap from the very beginning. They were envisioned as extensions (technical and cultural) of Ethereum, designed to expand its capabilities and attract a broader user base.

At their core, L2s are deeply linked with Ethereum. They share its DNA — relying on ETH as the currency, benefitting from Ethereum's security blanket, and utilizing it for data storage and settlement. It's like a startup leveraging its parent company's infrastructure and brand recognition, a win-win for both.

The symbiotic relationship between L2s and Ethereum is undeniable. L2s thrive on Ethereum's infrastructure and security, while Ethereum benefits from the increased activity and increased demand for ETH, making it a better store of value.

By offering lower fees and faster transaction times, L2s have made it easier for developers to build different types of applications. Look at the explosion of memecoins on Base or the rise of SocialFi platforms like Farcaster creating new markets for users.

Beyond that, L2s are becoming major hubs for DeFi activity, and ETH, the asset, is at the heart of this ecosystem. Look at the numbers:
— these chains are dominated by ETH-related assets.

🧛‍♂️ Vampire attack?
However, one of the primary arguments against the rollup-centric approach to scaling Ethereum is the assumption that L2s may not continue to rely on Ethereum. Sure, L2s and Ethereum seem like a happy family now. But what if L2s build their own empires and ditch Ethereum altogether? No more relying on Ethereum for security, no more ETH as gas, not even needing Ethereum's block space.

This "L2s go rogue" fear is a legitimate concern. Technically, they could build independent ecosystems with their own validators as they would then be able to own the entire modular blockchain stack. So, is this the future – a messy breakup between L2s and Ethereum? Not necessarily.

We can all agree that there are perhaps a few too many L2s. Too many copycats. Too little differentiation. It's like a thousand startups chasing the same market, all promising the same thing. This isn't healthy.

What we need are L2s that matter. L2s that offer something unique, something that sets them apart. Security, app diversity, GTM strategy — these are the areas where we need to see real innovation.

But we must be wary of ‘echo chambers’. These zones of chains should not become isolated universes. A healthy L2 ecosystem is one where chains work together, not in isolation. We need bridges, not moats.

We need collaboration. We need communication. We need education. We need incentives. We need to build shared infrastructure and standards that foster seamless connectivity across L2s. Only then can we truly win together.

💭 Closing Thoughts
You can say that L2s aren’t Ethereum. You can argue L2s aren’t even extensions of Ethereum. But you cannot deny the fact that L2s enhance the utility of Ethereum and ETH.

The "L2s vs. Ethereum" debate is a false dichotomy. This isn't a zero-sum game. Ultimately, Ethereum and L2s are in this together. Let's build a future where Ethereum and L2s thrive as a symbiotic whole, and push the crypto ecosystem forward.
Astro peng
6 days ago
🇺🇸 Cryptocurrencies were not mentioned during the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump tonight.

The latter, however, saw its rating drop by 3% on the Polymarket prediction market, compared to a 3% increase for Kamala Harris 📊
7 days ago
Will crypto be mentioned during tonight's debate?
7 days ago
We know you haven’t forgotten that Maestro offers all-in-one multi-chain #trading .

So, which #Blockchain is your favorite these days, and what tokens are you trading on it?



#BSC / #BinanceSmartChain


2 people voted
7 days ago
$POPDOG will be co-hosting MemeFestWTF 's (https://x.com/MemeFestWTF) space with MEMECON_ASIA (https://x.com/MEMECON_ASIA)! Thursday Sep 12 3:00 pm UTC


Astro peng
7 days ago
If the government was a real business it would have been bankrupt a long time ago. The only thing keeping it going is the fact that people pay their taxes out of fear of going to jail if they don't (violence) and most importantly THE MAGIC MONEY PRINTER.

Further proof of the charade: the US government has hired 87,000 new agents to collect taxes with an average salary of 100k/year.

So this cost taxpayers $8 .7 billion and these agents managed to collect $1 .3 billion.

So, a deficit of -$7.4 billion... which will be paid by taxpayers. And of course the government will boast about having collected $1 .3 billion more in taxes.

How did we get here?
8 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - September 9

Market sentiment could flip bullish at any moment

Apple Event
$dbp -> $850k , "Disco Ball Pigeon", emoji shown during the apple event, okx tweeted it $CowboyFrog -> hit $377k , first AI emoji apple showed during the event

Popular Memes & Trends
$gg -> hit $1m , Galaxy Gas, one of the dumbest trends I've ever seen, all over tiktok
$wait -> hit $844k , Correction Guy, viral meme on CT
$legend -> hit $264k , "F*cking Legend", old viral meme

Hyped Launch
$insdr -> hit $1m , "The Insiders", they've been posting for a while w/ twitter gold

Doge Team Post
$cate -> hit $511k , posted by $doge team,

Dog Meta
$jack -> hit $231k , cute dog
$duge -> hit $144k , plushie dog, CTO

Slow Cooks
$moth -> $2 .5m to $7m (2.8x), was stagnant for a couple days, currently breaking out
$deebo -> $350k to $1 .7m (4.85x), CTO, bear meme
$pe -> $370k to $917k (2.47x), " Half of $pepe "
$mope -> $30k to $330k (11x), CTO

Other Plays
$btc2 -> hit $1 .39m, "Bitcoin 2.0", a fake $btc on solana, limited supply of 21,000 tokens
$ct -> hit $732k , "Crypto Twitter"
$bingus -> hit $308k , X community, pushed by KOLs
$fp -> hit $298k , a fluffy pickle
$dwagon -> hit $295k , dragon + $fwog , CTO
$unlock -> hit $178k , "unlock your full potential, unlock unlimited gains on Solana"

Patience & quality over quantity 🤫
8 days ago
Dawn Internet a decentralized wireless network on Solana, hits major milestone with over 500,000 verified users on its Validator Extension.
8 days ago
After the euphoric highs of Q2, fear and doubt have crept back into crypto markets in recent months.

Amidst the uncertainty Solana’s DeFi ecosystem has shed layers of TVL (Total Value Locked), with the majority of protocol’s losing between 13-18% in USD value on a monthly time frame.

However, despite the market-wide pullback, outperformers have emerged. Which protocols created a liquidity vacuum and expanded their TVL despite ailing markets?

Solana’s DeFi scene has enjoyed newfound momentum and attention throughout 2024. However, the last 30 days indicate a charge in sentiment, with the bulk of Solana protocols suffering significant drops in their TVL.

Despite challenging conditions, several outliers have outperformed the wider market and witnessed continued growth in the face of adversity.

Lending aggregator NX Finance led the charge, enjoying consistent growth in the face of difficult markets. Courtesy of its incentivized rewards program, NX Finance TVL rose 65% in the last 30 days, leading Solana’s top 50 DeFi applications by TVL.

Meanwhile, fellow lending aggregator Lulo Finance continued to rise through the ranks, securing over $30M in Directed Liquidity (DL). With over 92% of its DL, a similar metric similar to TVL, held in stablecoins, Lulo-managed value has increased by 32.27% in the last 30 days.

At first glance, DeFiLlama data suggests that Jupiter’s TVL has risen by 47.22% in the last 30 days. However, this increase is due to the popular analytics platform integrating $jupSOL into Jupiter’s total TVL on August 16, adding approximately $300M worth of funds to the platform.

According to Step Finance data, $jupSOL supply has risen 0.36% in the last 30 days. Coupled with the 2.22% decline in Jupiter perpetual TVL in the same time period, it can be concluded that Jupiter’s total TVL has remained relatively stable in the face of challenging market conditions.

Kamino TVL Climbs Despite Falling Prices
Kamino Finance has been one of Solana DeFi’s most solid performers throughout Q3’s volatility. While lending aggregators like NX Finance and Lulo predominantly hold stablecoins, making them more resilient to market downturn, Kamino accepts deposits from a wider range of more volatile assets.

Despite falling asset prices across the industry, Kamino has emerged as one of Solana’s standout DeFi protocols.

While $SOL price has dropped over 36% since its March 18 high of $202 , Kamino TVL has increased by 12% in USD terms. Denominated in SOL, Kamino TVL has risen by 76% in the same time frame.

Jupiter’s perpetual DEX platform shows no sign of relinquishing its iron grip on derivatives dominance. One of Solana’s largest DeFi protocols, Jupiter’s perpetual DEX is currently the largest onchain derivatives market in the crypto industry.

Boasting over $657M in TVL, Jupiter dominates perpetual market share. According to DeFiLlama data, the Solana-based platform currently accounts for 18.82% of onchain derivatives TVL across the industry.

While Jupiter boasts the highest TVL across all perpetual DEXes, its closest rival still witnesses higher trading volumes. During August, Hyperliquid handled $34 .6B in trading volume compared to Jupiter’s $15 .1B. It’s worth noting that Hyperliquid’s high volume could attributed to its points program, which is expected to influence token allocations ahead of the protocol’s upcoming airdrop
8 days ago
Phantom, Solana’s most widely used wallet provider, has drawn criticism from some users for charging fees on in-app token swaps.

While some disgruntled community members attacked Phantom, voices across the Solana ecosystem came to the wallet’s defence. Reigniting debate around business models in the Web3 world, Phantom’s supporters argue that the platform has a right to generate revenue.

In an industry where meme coin presales can raise over $40M , is it fair to attack businesses providing essential services for charging easily avoidable fees?

Frustrated Solana users have taken to 𝕏 to air their grievances about Phantom’s in-app swap fees. The public outrage came following circulation of data suggesting that the wallet provider generated over $30M in revenue through token swaps.

Comparisons between quotes between wallets and DEX aggregator Jupiter only added further fuel to the fire. Perhaps spurred on by stagnant market conditions, commentators on social media remarked that discrepancies between swaps provided by Phantom and Jupiter were “actually ridiculous.”

Eagle-eyed users remarked that the data wasn’t wholly accurate. Galactic Geckos founder Genuine Articles highlighted that the $30M figure was lower than expected, before Fabiano.sol, the influencer who originally shared the data, acknowledged that Phantom would’ve generated over $10M through in-app token swaps in 2021 alone.

While it’s obvious that traders can access better rates by using platforms like Jupiter directly, can Wallet providers be blamed for charging fees on value-added services?

Is the Slander Against Phantom Justified?
Content creator and former Phantom team member Seb Montgomery countered the attacks levied against Phantom. Arguing that every business has operational costs that need paid, Montgomery asserted that “Dapps, apps, wallets, etc. need revenue or they close up shop, and head home.”

Hammering his points home, Montgomery reminded Solana users of their double standards. The content creator highlighted how network participants were willing to provide over $40M to the $WATER memecoin presale, but criticized an 0.8% fee on services offered by one of Solana’s longest-standing products.

“You have probably lost $1000s on the pure rubbish. So don't be a clown and not support the wallets that make it all possible.” - Seb Montgomery

Montgomery also acknowledged that Solana owes much of its success to Phantom. Paying homage to Phantom’s position as Solana’s most widely used wallet, Montgomery asserted “Without Phantom, Solana's success would not have been anywhere near where it got to.”

While traders and users looking for the best rates should always go directly to decentralized exchanges or aggregators, it’s also worth knowing the various in-app swap rates of different wallets.

Fuse Wallet - 0%

Solflare - 0.8%

Phantom - 0.85%

Backpack - 0.85%

It should also be noted that all Solana wallets route their trades through Jupiter. Solana’s leading DEX aggregator typically offers the best rates on trades and allows third-party apps to add fees onto swaps.

Despite some traders expressing frustration, Phantom and other wallet providers have always been transparent and forthcoming about in-app swap fees. Using wallet-based swaps is completely optional and easily bypassed. Trader’s complaints are hardly unresolved.
8 days ago
Prices may be down, but Grayscale's making bull market bets if you know where to look.

These are the assets that have caught the attention of Crypto's Wall Street whisperer 👇


When Grayscale announces a new Trust for a particular asset, the market often reacts with a mix of excitement and skepticism.

It's a bit like a double-edged sword: a signal of saturation for some and a beacon of hope for others.

Some might interpret the launch as a sign that the market for that asset is reaching saturation or at least limited upside potential in crypto terms.

On the one hand, it’s a stamp of approval from a major player in the crypto space. It can lend legitimacy to the asset, potentially attracting institutional investors, and, at the very least, boost media coverage.

Grayscale has been adding new investment products at a faster clip, showcasing their conviction that we’re in the middle innings of a crypto bull market fueled by a grand slam of bullish signals: #Bitcoin ETF inflows, the long-awaited $ETH ETF launch, increasing stablecoin adoption, and steady growth in TVL across DeFi.

As a quiet giant in the industry, investors continue to watch what Grayscale is backing and what that says about their impressions of which direction the industry is headed. What assets have caught their attention lately? Let's find out. 👇


Grayscale Decentralized AI Fund (FIL, NEAR, RNDR, LPT, TAO)

Grayscale Bittensor Trust (TAO)
Bittensor envisions a world where AI isn't a tool in the hands of a few corporations but a resource democratized for all. It aims to create an "Internet of AI" where everyone can contribute and benefit from AI models. $TAO incentivizes participants to contribute to the network by providing rewards for tasks like validating models and running AI computations.

As the AI race among big tech companies heats up, Grayscale believes that Bittensor offers a compelling alternative approach towards AI development, one that encourages a wider range of participants and ideas.

Grayscale SUI Trust (SUI)
$Sui boasts a novel blockchain design that prioritizes scalability and user experience. It allows for parallel processing, tackling multiple transactions simultaneously.
's competitive edge comes down to its custom-built programming language, Sui Move, which streamlines smart contract development and execution.

As the need for blockspace and faster execution in crypto increases, Grayscale believes that Sui opens the door to a new wave of decentralized applications that were previously limited by existing blockchain infrastructure.

The Grayscale Effect
Overall, the impact of a Grayscale Trust launch is highly subjective to the specific asset. By no means does it signify that the asset is destined for greatness. Take the Grayscale Decentraland Trust (MANA), for instance.

The key takeaway is that Grayscale's bullish outlook on crypto is evident in its recent product launches. They believe we're currently in a bull market and are positioning themselves accordingly.

Analysis by arjunnchand
8 days ago
Imagine this:

Went to the job, was giving 100% of myself.

Had only paid for half of month, and "boss" is ghosting me now.

It hurts, not the money part

But the way I got treated for what I was giving
8 days ago
Did someone say Multi-Wallet? 🤹

Unlock Maestro’s powerful multi-wallet modalities.

Set up multiple wallets and initiate simultaneous buys with a single click! Perfect for sniping launches with small max transactions/wallet limitations.

Assign each wallet a different action—maybe one for sniping, one for copy trading—customize it however you like!

To Enable Global Multi-Wallet:
/sniper ➡️ Wallets ➡️ Select Chain ➡️ Multi-Wallet ➡️ Connect or Generate another Wallet ➡️ Enable Multi ✅

Find the full instructions here: https://docs.maestrobots.c...
8 days ago
$POPDOG ‘s phone stays in hand even when entertaining the ladies 🐶🤳🟢🟢

Because he’s gota speak at UToobCoin (https://x.com/UToobCoin) MEME Shill Space. Come support 💪

Astro peng
8 days ago

How much money needs to COME IN for #Bitcoin to reach 1 MILLION DOLLARS ⁉️

💥 Professional trader, Willy Woo, did some calculations to estimate how difficult it would be for bitcoin to reach million dollar figures.
💥 All your analysis is based on a conservative scenario

👉 According to their projections, $5 TRILLION of investment in bitcoin is needed to reach this goal, that is, 1% of the world's WEALTH assets.

▪️ The Market Cap of #Bitcoin would reach 19 trillion dollars if this happened.
▪️ This chart shows the size of OTHER markets compared to the overall crypto market….
▪️ The STOCK market has a market capitalization of no less than 106 trillion dollars

👀 A $19 trillion market cap for Bitcoin is certainly NOT FREAKY compared to other markets.
Jurf Bizos
8 days ago
Periods When To Make Money again.

A. Buy 2023 sell 2026.
B. Buy again 2032 and sell 2035.

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