5 days ago
GM BullVerse! MagicRaidMoney bot is now offering a 7-Day Free Trial to experience this one of a kind bot for your community! The MIM community has now had almost 900 raids and nearly 1,000,000 MIM has been rewarded using MRM! Come see why we can't possibly go back to using any other bots for our raids!

16 days ago
Not only does the $MIM community get paid to raid via MagicRaidMoney, but we’ve made it easier and faster than ever! More magic being created straight from the Magic Internet Money community! 🧙🏻‍♂️🪄⚡
15 days ago
WOW! We just finished up our 500th raid using our Wizard-built MagicRaidMoney bot. Raiding with this bot has been such a blast and the raider energy has been totally rejuvenated within our community. We highly recommend our bot for any community that loves raiding! 🧙🏻‍♂️🪄⚡
1 month ago
As of Monday 8/12 the $MIM Wizard Council will be officially dissolved and replaced by a token-powered DAO. This move was conducted to make $MIM as much of a transparent and decentralized token as possible.

Make sure to join us in our main Telegram as well as our new DAO Telegram as well. Stay up to date with everything we’re cooking and how we plan to change the meme coin space.

3 months ago
We are officially casting spells on @bullverse 🪄✨

Happy to be a part of the # 1 social media platform built specifically for crypto users!
3 months ago
GMIM Bullverse family 🧙‍♂️

Get yourself comfortable, I want to share a tale with you ✨
3 months ago
If you’re part of the $MIM community or hold $MIM and are not in our telegram, we’d like to invite you to join us!

We are cooking big things that we don’t want you to miss out on; get up to speed with what’s coming in the future!

3 months ago
✅ 🔥Memes
✅ Fun
✅ Community
✅ Innovation

Join the OG wizards. Consume their alpha and wisdom.

Wands out for the Magic Internet Money Wizard 🪄
3 months ago
GMIM Bullverse

Wizards have been cooking 🪄

Hearing things 👂✨
2 months ago
In response MageGills to his Publication
It’s coursing through my veins $MIM
2 months ago
In response MageGills to his Publication
I am guilty of drawing 25 a few too many times🫣💎
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication
MIM appreciates diamond handed wizards!
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication
Love it👏👏
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication
Loving the rewards
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication
Need to get some $MIM
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication

Let's get some $MIM🥃
Rich Soon
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication
2 months ago
In response VApatriot11 to his Publication
2 months ago
In response MagicInternetMoney to his Publication
Imagine the excitement of that phantom notification 😂
2 months ago
Announcing holder rewards! Moving forward, we will be airdropping $MIM to random holders! Get rewarded just for holding!

Every month on the 15th the $MIM council harvests LP rewards from its massive MIM/SOL LP holding. We’re going to be sending 50% of the $MIM out to true holders.

The amount of recipients and amount of $MIM are entirely dependent on volume. We are scaling through a range of 25-100 recipients for the time being.

All you need to do is hold 1M $MIM or more. The snapshot will be taken randomly during the month and users selected randomly. We will provide more specific information about this on the days of the airdrops.