Nathan pinned this post
9 days ago
Currently testing an automated scalping strategy on trending solana tokens, will keep updates here to document my progress.
6 hours ago
Automated scalping strategy update #2

The bleeding market of today is the perfect occasion to stress test the strategy

âž³Security: As it is fully automated, we have to use any type of telegram scanner bot; by checking the bot's reply we can ensure the token doesn't have any red flags. If anything red pops up, dont bother with this token.

âž³ Momentum: make sure the token has been up by a significant % in the last timeframe (1h and 5min).

âž³Volume: volume in the last 5min is rather important, you don't want to be left in a trade for a few hour to be dumped later.

âž³Always adjust parameters to follow the market condition; you can lower the Take Profits if it's a low volume day.

Again, the insights gained by this fully red day are going to be extremely valuable.
2 days ago
Why working on automating your trading strategy?

Because as Warren Buffet once said, if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die.
3 days ago
The people making the most money on Solana are the devs

Not the meme coin creators who call themselves "dev"

But the actual devs in the trenches everyday fighting bugs and syntax errors
3 days ago
Automated scalping strategy update #1

âž³ Telegram bots (ex: Trojan, Maestro...) have lags when it comes to doing multiple trades a day, sometimes never selling, leaving you without the expected profits. Will upgrade to a reliable custom script.

âž³ Because of token volatility, an important stop loss (50% - 60%) can work, as long as you buy the right tokens; not the ones being rugged upon launch.

âž³ Currently aiming for fewer trades, but with a higher % of winning ones. Around 20 trades a day.

âž³ Criterias to find which tokens to buy will follow in another update...
7 days ago (E)
The key points of the automated strategy I'm currently testing:

• Using a custom python script to forward specific contract adress
to telegram bots
• Private server to run the script 24 hours a day
• Only taking small profits on each trades (10%-20%)
• Using natural token momentum (trending or launch)
16 days ago
What has been the most winning strategy so far this bullrun?

• Going for as many trades as possible daily with 20% to 50% profits on each, avoiding losses at all cost.
• Fewer trades with over 300% profits; going for the moonshot.

Many 20%-50%

Moonshot 300% +

12 people voted
18 days ago
Always follow the gold ticker accounts, never know where these projects might end up
28 days ago
The partnership with @GMEonSOL has got to be the most bullish news I've heard in a while
1 month ago
I have yet to meet someone as honest and helpful as @TopG

It's refreshing to see some honesty in this world full of scammers and ruggers
1 month ago
Other than the community, what are the green flags one must look for when buying tokens?
2 months ago (E)
I always tell that patience is key, even in meme coins. Often, being late will prevent catastrophic losses.
2 months ago
Now, let's use this platform the way it was intended; which token should be bought that will 10x ?
2 months ago
What a great launch this has been. With such a community, where are we going to be in the next month?
2 months ago
In 10 years time, we will be proud to be the first 100 members on this platform
2 months ago
What are we buying today?