8 days ago (E)
We just added $12000 to the $GBOY Liquidity pool and then BURNED IT ALL FOREVER

Just another step to strengthening our project and proving we're building for the long-term

Added LP tx:

Burn LP tx:

Show us another community takeover that does what we do time and time again...

That's almost $20k ,000 added to the LP and burned in the past few months

A successful NFT mint

And our game (first PvP for crypto on Telegram ever) about to enter testing
$GBOY is going to takeover

The question is, are you prepared?
28 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 5

Overall very good volume & plenty of decent plays

Elite communities
$michi -> $112m to $183m (1.63x from the low)
$mini -> $6 .23m to $19 .9m (3.19x from the low)

Bazinga launches a coin against
after he announces a presale
$cipe -> hit $2m ,

Asian meta
$rif -> hit $5 .1m, Chinese $wif
$peipei -> hit $2 .6m, Chinese $pepe
$irene -> hit $1 .3m, Asian $mother
$chiwif -> hit $842k , another Chinese $wif , different art
$sorana -> hit $583k , Chinese $sol

All you need is a couple good plays per week

Quality > Quantity

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