Astro peng
17 mins. ago
More than a million addresses have one #Bitcoin   or more 💰

In recent weeks, an important milestone has been reached, there are today more than a million Wholecoiners (addresses with at least 1 BTC) and it's not over!

This increase coincides with a notable increase in institutional demand for Bitcoin 📈

The Bitcoin race is underway, and with only 21 million Bitcoins at most, it's a real shock between supply and demand that could take place in the coming months

You see the $BTC reaching what price at this bull run? 🔥
Astro peng
20 hours ago
Fundings are super low on BTC and ETH despite the rebound on support!

Wtfff, are we really going to leave without looking for the $56 ,000??

In truth, I'm not saying no because I no longer have cash to buy the dip 😶‍🌫️ and I'm tired of waiting, but hey I had planned a legendary entry point there haha.

Come on, let's just be patient!
Astro peng
1 day ago
🇩🇪 The German government has once again transferred a total of 400 $BTC to Bitstamp, Coinbase and Kraken.

In two weeks, the German government transferred a total of more than 2,700 #bitcoins to crypto exchanges.
Astro peng
1 day ago (E)
Here are the most bullish narratives you should pay attention this Q3.

🐶 Memes

🏛️ RWAs

🤖 AIs


⚙️ L1s

🎮 Gaming

📲Social network


🪙 Others

Did I miss anything fam?
Astro peng
1 day ago
📈 The #Bitcoin   is expected to increase in July, if it follows past trends.

The month of July is often synonymous with a strong recovery for BTC, with an average gain of 7.42% after a downward trend in June.

The only downside is the reimbursement of Mt Gox, with around $8 .5 billion in BTC.
Astro peng
2 days ago
📉 Runes transactions on #Bitcoin   are down more than 88%.

BTC miners have earned less than 2 bitcoin from Runes transactions over the last 6 days.

Far from the 884 bitcoins reached on April 24.

5 days ago
Venture Capitalist GSR made a recent report suggesting that solana could be on track to join Bitcoin and Ethereum with its own spot ETF, citing its prominent role in the crypto market alongside the Big Three. #btc #eth #SOL

The impact on $SOL just might be the largest yet.
Astro peng
5 days ago

Him, on the other hand, makes me want to LONG so badly!

The location, its resistance against #Bitcoin   and the news concerning a launch of ETH SPOT ETFs at any moment, make me bullish!!

But it's impossible for me to LONG with my negative bias on BTC. So I prefer to wait a little longer.

Many will call me a little pussy and I will respond: "It's impossible to buy the perfect bottom and sell the perfect top."

We have the time !!!!!!!!!!
Astro peng
7 days ago (E)

Incredible to see ETH holding up against BTC!

I think speculators are anticipating the start of ETH SPOT ETF trading.
8 days ago
WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin) is now officially live on #Solana by Wormhole. This mew development is expanding its utility in the Solana DeFi ecosystem.
Astro peng
8 days ago
📉 Bitcoin’s double TOP suggests BTC could fall to $45 ,000.
This is what Markus Thielen, founder of 10x Research, suggests.

“Technically, bitcoin appears to be in a double TOP formation as the support level is tested. This chart formation should be our base case unless it is invalidated. This formation could easily lead to a drop to 50 000 dollars, even 45,000 dollars.”
13 days ago
Is OP_CAT the missing piece for BTC L2s?

This opcode has everyone talking; what does it do?

A beginner's guide 👇

Bitcoin L2s are the talk of the town, but not much of their promise has been realized yet.

What are Bitcoin's builders waiting for?

One significant proposal could help mature the Bitcoin L2 landscape: the reintroduction of OP_CAT. This opcode, which was disabled early in Bitcoin's history, could unlock new capabilities and pave the way for more sophisticated and trustless Bitcoin L2 solutions.

Let's dig into why this opcode could be so transformative for BTC 👇

What is OP_CAT?
Okay, so why is this seemingly random opcode so controversial? OP_CAT, or "Operation Concatenate" is an opcode in Bitcoin's scripting language that allows for the concatenation of two data elements.

Initially proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto, OP_CAT was disabled in 2010 due to security concerns related to its original implementation, specifically potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks caused by unbounded memory usage.

The introduction of the Taproot upgrade in 2021 has mitigated these original concerns. Taproot enforces a maximum stack element size of 520 bytes, addressing the memory usage issue that led to OP_CAT's deactivation. With this security improvement and resurgent Bitcoin development interest, thanks to Ordinals and Runes, a movement to reintroduce OP_CAT to enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities is gaining steam, aiming to put more complex transaction capabilities in reach.

Are Covenants and Smart Contracts Different?
One reason why OP_CAT is so compelling is because it can actualize covenants, i.e. spending conditions, on Bitcoin. Covenants and smart contracts are both mechanisms for controlling the flow of funds in a blockchain network, but they operate in distinct ways.

Purpose: Restrict how funds can be spent in future transactions.
Functionality: Implement specific spending constraints, such as limiting addresses or setting conditions on fund transfers.
Complexity: Generally involves simpler, deterministic logic without loops or complex computations.
Implementation: Can be implemented using Bitcoin Script with enhancements like OP_CAT.

Smart Contracts:
Purpose: Automate a wide range of processes and transactions.
Functionality: Handle complex tasks such as decentralized exchanges, token issuance, and multi-party agreements.
Complexity: Support complex conditional logic, including loops and intricate computations.
Implementation: Commonly implemented on platforms like Ethereum using high-level programming languages.

Why Does OP_CAT Matter for Bitcoin L2s?
OP_CAT would prove crucial for advancing Bitcoin L2 solutions because it enhances the scripting capabilities needed for more complex and trustless Bitcoin infra. First, OP_CAT allows for covenants, enabling the construction of more complex scripts. This is essential for creating advanced transaction conditions and functionalities required for L2 solutions.

Additionally, if OP_CAT is activated, projects like StarkWareLtdare on standby to develop atop it. StarkWare has plans to leverage OP_CAT for bringing zero-knowledge (ZK) scaling to #Bitcoin to enable advanced financial instruments and apps on the network. StarkWare’s involvement here underscores the broader ecosystem's readiness to capitalize on the enhanced capabilities that OP_CAT would introduce.

As such, as the community continues to explore and test the possibilities around this proposal, the future of Bitcoin L2s looks promising and ripe with potential. At this point, reactivating OP_CAT seems like a matter of when not if!

Written by
14 days ago
Is the $DJT memecoin actually connected to Trump?

The Solana memecoin reportedly launched by Trump's teen son Barron is mooning, but is it real?

Our analysis 👇

- Unverified Report and Market Impact: Tech, politics, and culture publication
PirateWires posted yesterday on Twitter claiming Donald Trump is launching a token named DJT. Following the post, DJT's trading volume hit $363M in the past 24 hours, and its price surged 385%.

- Speculative Connections and No Confirmation: The report suggested Trump's son Barron, a claim further substantiated by (supposedly) Barron’s best friend, Bo. However, the Trump campaign and organization have not responded.

- Suspicious Posting and Unlocked Liquidity: The contract address was shared in replies to the Pirate Wires post, which, upon analysis, showed DJT's liquidity is not locked, a significant red flag for memecoins, and that the token had a “build-the-wall” feature that could be activated to halt trading.

- KuCoin Funding and Limited Visibility: Further potential red flags come from the fact that the token was funded from kucoincom
, which is inaccessible to U.S. citizens. Also, DJT pools had minimal liquidity visibility on platforms like dexscreener
, working correctly only on specific tools like Dextools.

- Concentration and Trump's Silence: The top owner holds 67% of the supply, a high risk of manipulation. Despite his reputation, Trump has not claimed or bragged about the coin's success, which is unusual for him.

Bankless Take:

The DJT memecoin's surge certainly exhibits all of the hallmarks of a classic crypto grift. The sketchy nature of the source, suspicious dissemination of the contract address, unlocked liquidity, KuCoin funding, limited visibility, and high owner concentration are all significant red flags.

All that said, we don't know for sure one way or the other. In a new era of celebrity memecoins, it's not unreasonable that Trump would be dissatisfied seeing unofficial tickers like $TREMP pump without him getting a take. Further, Pirate Wires is operated by the CMO of venture fund Founders Fund which is run by Trump's close 2016 Silicon Valley ally (and outspoken BTC bull) peterthiel
Astro peng
19 days ago
🐋 Bitcoin whales accumulate $1 .4 billion in BTC dollars in 24 hours on June 11, accumulating a total of 20,600 #Bitcoin .

This happens when the offer of Bitcoin on exchanges has fallen to its lowest level since December 2021.
20 days ago
Trump voiced support for more domestic BTC mining and wants remaining coins 'MADE IN THE USA!!!'

What you should know + our take 👇
20 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 11

Relatively low volume day amidst the decline for majors $btc , $eth , $sol

Andrew Tate posts a video insulting crypto twitter
$daddy -> $37 .4m to $180m (4.81x)
$karma -> hit $1 .7m
$genie -> hit $956k , based on Andrew saying he's a genie in his most recent video

Ansem responds to Tate's video & they beef in the comments
$daddy -> hit $13 .1m, "Daddy Ansem", beta to the $daddy
$tatesem -> hit $470k , "Tate vs Ansem"

The numbers we get for CPI & the interest rate decision will dictate which way we'll move in

Have a great trading day🤝
21 days ago
21.co, the parent company of 21Shares a crypto service provider, launched 21BTC, a native Bitcoin asset on the Solana blockchain

This wrapped token is 100% backed by Bitcoin (BTC), with reserves held by a third-party custodian on a 1:1 basis. According to 21.co, 21BTC on Solana offers:

•Better security without the Lock-And-Mint technology

•100 percent physically collateralization

•Deep liquidity and

• Operational excellence.
23 days ago
BTC at $69k Monday BTC at $69k today
25 days ago
Someone dumping their BTC👀
26 days ago
Astro peng
1 month ago
The beautiful rebound on the POC and thus the middle of the range is magnificent, I grant you!

So for the time being, the orange scenario is the preferred one.

Especially with this precision and this magnificent W!

I still don't know whether #eth will wait for daddy #btc or take off alone with his companions.

Back to the top of the range?
Back to the bottom of the range?
Astro peng
1 month ago
#Bitcoin Dominance

So yes, ETHBTC Pump!

But hey, let's not forget that the big boss always has more than 50% dominance on the market so he must be respected.

That's why, in my opinion, we can see a mini Altseason as we have often seen for a year, but the real Altseason is not for now.

I can't wait to see Gaming, Metaverse and NFT explode!

It's not FUN AI, DeFi and RWA 😂
Astro peng
1 month ago
If the $ETH ETF is accepted, will we do what we did with $BTC ?

Buy the rumor and giga-buy the news?
Financial Nihilist
2 months ago
Who rug pulling #btc ?
HAF Cloud
2 months ago
It's monday, people!! Ready to make good decisions? What could be better that eating up that $cheng dip? Might not see it for long with such a great entry point!

Perfect project, perfect community and best thing - still so early!

ca : BEsnQvkfeaQ3G8qbeN5FmUnsQUqXzXW5i83Hv3syoTTc

#CryptoNews #crypto #SOL #Solana #meme #memecoin #trending #btc
2 months ago (E)
We live on pump fun.


Check out our web www.btc-ninja.com
2 months ago
Telling people to buy $BULL right now, is the same as telling them to buy $BTC in 2010.

#BullVerse $Cheng $BULL
2 months ago
Bullverse Usernames
2 months ago
Username : @btc is avaiable for 0.5 Sol or Highest Bid Price .
DM .
2 months ago
What next for $BTC

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