Tristan Tate
2 hours ago
I’m launching my own kids lunch product.

Thinking of calling it - “tell your mothers to prepare you something healthy with plenty of protein and vegetables”.

I’ll take a 0% cut on this endorsement so all you great mothers out there just do your thing.
Tristan Tate
3 days ago
I’d like to see the “Average income as % of average house price” chart since 1930.

Somebody make it please.

Trying to see something.
4 days ago
Based on my data from all the entries in the No Rugs Channel, since Monday, there is only one token that didn't go above 20%

This put the channel at a 94,45% win rate since the last update; something that you could never find in any other group or channel.

6 days ago
Sentiment is down, and critics have been quick to point out ETH's underperformance against SOL while largely attributing this to a perceived loss of mindshare and users to L2s.

This narrative has sparked a crucial debate: Are L2s Ethereum?

brings the analysis...


🤔 Symbiotic or Separatist?
L2s have been a core component of Ethereum's rollup-centric roadmap from the very beginning. They were envisioned as extensions (technical and cultural) of Ethereum, designed to expand its capabilities and attract a broader user base.

At their core, L2s are deeply linked with Ethereum. They share its DNA — relying on ETH as the currency, benefitting from Ethereum's security blanket, and utilizing it for data storage and settlement. It's like a startup leveraging its parent company's infrastructure and brand recognition, a win-win for both.

The symbiotic relationship between L2s and Ethereum is undeniable. L2s thrive on Ethereum's infrastructure and security, while Ethereum benefits from the increased activity and increased demand for ETH, making it a better store of value.

By offering lower fees and faster transaction times, L2s have made it easier for developers to build different types of applications. Look at the explosion of memecoins on Base or the rise of SocialFi platforms like Farcaster creating new markets for users.

Beyond that, L2s are becoming major hubs for DeFi activity, and ETH, the asset, is at the heart of this ecosystem. Look at the numbers:
— these chains are dominated by ETH-related assets.

🧛‍♂️ Vampire attack?
However, one of the primary arguments against the rollup-centric approach to scaling Ethereum is the assumption that L2s may not continue to rely on Ethereum. Sure, L2s and Ethereum seem like a happy family now. But what if L2s build their own empires and ditch Ethereum altogether? No more relying on Ethereum for security, no more ETH as gas, not even needing Ethereum's block space.

This "L2s go rogue" fear is a legitimate concern. Technically, they could build independent ecosystems with their own validators as they would then be able to own the entire modular blockchain stack. So, is this the future – a messy breakup between L2s and Ethereum? Not necessarily.

We can all agree that there are perhaps a few too many L2s. Too many copycats. Too little differentiation. It's like a thousand startups chasing the same market, all promising the same thing. This isn't healthy.

What we need are L2s that matter. L2s that offer something unique, something that sets them apart. Security, app diversity, GTM strategy — these are the areas where we need to see real innovation.

But we must be wary of ‘echo chambers’. These zones of chains should not become isolated universes. A healthy L2 ecosystem is one where chains work together, not in isolation. We need bridges, not moats.

We need collaboration. We need communication. We need education. We need incentives. We need to build shared infrastructure and standards that foster seamless connectivity across L2s. Only then can we truly win together.

💭 Closing Thoughts
You can say that L2s aren’t Ethereum. You can argue L2s aren’t even extensions of Ethereum. But you cannot deny the fact that L2s enhance the utility of Ethereum and ETH.

The "L2s vs. Ethereum" debate is a false dichotomy. This isn't a zero-sum game. Ultimately, Ethereum and L2s are in this together. Let's build a future where Ethereum and L2s thrive as a symbiotic whole, and push the crypto ecosystem forward.
7 days ago
The market is rising again 🥳

I hope #BullVerse has something in store for us, because we're struggling a bit compared to the others. 🤔

We need the community to do raids, advertising ....

We don't have enough visibility or activity. Where's our meme or posts?

Need reassurance for my bag guys 😢
Astro peng
11 days ago
We are 180 days into a correction since we made an ATH in Bitcoin and market sentiment is worse than when BTC was at 15K.

Ethereum has lost nearly $250 billion in market cap over the summer, even with ETFs coming to market.

And what happened?

> Massive exits and sales by Grayscale.
> Massive MT.GOX distributions.
> Mass distributions from the United States.
> Germany selling +50,000 BTC.

And what is to come?

> US interest rate cuts.
> Gradual increase in global liquidity.
> United States elections.
> FTX Refunds (+$16B).

And all this with stablecoins reaching all-time highs.

Is this the end? Are we all going to die?

I don't believe it.

For me nothing has changed.

Nobody said the bull market was going to be easy.

The best, for me, is yet to come.

You already know what happened next, the times when the feeling was as shattered and terrifying as the one we are experiencing now.

The difficult moments are what separate babies with poop on their butts from legends.

Everyone is very pro, everyone is very cocky, very gangster and very brave until it is time to buy the dip when at all hours they say that we are going to visit lower areas and everyone is terrified and with their balls in their throat.

We've all heard "If you come down to X area I'm going to put my house in your house" then they come down and shit their pants and don't buy.

It seems like a meme, but it is not.

There is something that will never change.

> The vast majority of people will sell out of fear.
> The vast majority of people will buy out of euphoria.

And it is certainly the fastest way to lose money in this market.

Sorry, I didn't make up the rules of the game.

The road will be long and there will be monsters and corpses along the way, just try not to make it yours.

The bull market is not over.

They just want to steal your magic internet coins so that when they spend billions on marketing, they can buy them back at an exorbitant price.

Nothing has changed.

Patience, conviction, buy the dip & chill 🏝️
12 days ago
BullVerse Update

There have been numerous inquiries regarding BullPad, and we would like to address them. After careful consideration, the team has decided that launching BullPad at this time would not be beneficial. The market sentiment remains highly bearish, trading volumes across financial markets are low, and overall uncertainty persists. Furthermore, Pump.fun’s volume has decreased by 95% from its all-time high. All signs indicate that this is not the ideal time to release a launchpad. However, we remain fully committed to launching it when market conditions are more favorable.

BullPay is currently in beta (available at bullpay.fun). As well-needed solution in the space, it is connected to a lot of upcoming features inisde the platform. BullPay will serve not only as a marketplace but also as a crypto payment gateway, like Stripe or PayPal for crypto transactions. We developed an API kit allowing our partners to get paid from their website or mobile app.

Activity Rewards & User Experience
We are still working on developing a sustainable, more gamified and automated solution for activity rewards. Once this is finalized, we will announce it, and automated payouts will resume.

The BullVerse Ecosystem
It’s important to note that BullVerse is a long-term project. We are continually enhancing user, partner, and community engagement. As with any major project, development will unfold progressively rather than all at once.

The team is working tirelessly behind the scenes to improve the BullVerse ecosystem daily. Many individuals are involved, and significant resources have been invested in this project. Our commitment is unwavering, and we continue to expand our network by forming strategic partnerships, which are crucial for long-term growth. The vision is clear and we are enjoying the journey.

Our primary focus has been on laying a strong foundation by creating a stable platform that incorporates both incentives and crypto utilities. Our main goal is to deliver a clear and practical use case that attracts the visibility BullVerse deserves. As a utility project, we view this as a key driver of our success: BullVerse should not just be about content, but also a hub where crypto enthusiasts can speculate, win, lose, be rewarded, and find their community. Something exciting is coming very soon..

Bullish times are ahead,
The BullVerse Team
12 days ago
📊 Top blockchains by number of transactions for August

1. Solana - 1.1 billion
2. Aptos - 578 million
3. Tron - 225 million

It was unexpected to see Aptos in the top. The project seems to have gone off the rails and is on autopilot, but it's hard to tell from the activity. Are you doing something in the Aptos network? 🤔
15 days ago
The ticker is 🦠 $POX 🦠 is cooking something huge #NFTs +#TOKEN =🥚✨️

Top 9🔥
MCAP : $17 .6M
Vol : $2 .6M

Who's ready for 100M and more let the virus spread 🦠📈 don't fade

Join the TG

🦠CA: mpoxP5wyoR3eRW8L9bZjGPFtCsmX8WcqU5BHxFW1xkn

15 days ago
Marinade Finance, one of Solana’s original staking providers, has found itself in hot water with validator operators.

Validators argue that Marinade’s new Stake Auction Marketplace (SAM) harms the staking landscape, allowing malicious actors to thrive at the expense of honest validators.

Beyond losing stake in the network, chagrined validators suggest that, left unchecked, the SAM model is a threat to decentralization and Solana’s scalability moving forward.

Marinade has dismissed these accusations. Countering claims of apathetic negligence, Marinade argues those who criticize the new system do so out of spite.

Is this a case of willful blindness, or are validators looking for a scapegoat to blame for their own shortcomings?

Once heralded as a powerful new model that would push staking APY to new heights, the SAM has drawn scorn and skepticism from certain validators. Marinade’s SAM enables validators to bid on network stake, with winners securing stake and passing on elevated rewards to delegators.

To win auctions, validators competitively bid on network stake. However, surging demand for stake has driven validators to bid at potentially unsustainable levels. In previous epochs, winning validators needed to yield over 10% APY to win auctions, a rate considered impossible to achieve through native staking alone.

This has led certain operators to speculate on how these validators can afford such high bids. Suggesting that such yield can only be achieved through malicious activities, like sandwich attacks, private mempools, and off-chain deals, some validators argue that Marinade is turning a blind eye to dishonest validators.

Distressed validators have created analytics dashboards to express their frustrations and support their claims. Hanabi’s ‘Marinade Stake Selling’ dashboard highlights that a number of validators flagged for malicious activity have won stake through the SAM.

Responding to accusations levied by third-party dashboard creators, Marinade CEO Michael Repetny argues “Hanabi lacks any methodology, they only copy labels from other Stakewiz dashboard to call it a day.”

Adding further context to the claims of disgruntled operators, Repetny affirms “Hanabi lost 1M SOL from Marinade so it’s understandable he fights the new system.”

Concerned validators have taken to Marinade’s Discord server to air their grievances. Operators have claimed that, through the SAM, over 2.7M SOL has been staked to questionable validators, including sybils and sandwiches. Disgruntled operators even suggested “Marinade wants you to have side deals, ethical or not.”

Additionally, validators have argued that if “most of the mSOL pool is delegated to unethical validators it’s a really bad look for the Solana ecosystem.”

In an exclusive statement with SolanaFloor, Max Kaplan, Head of Engineering at Edgevana, credits Marinade for trying something inventive that “had never been done before”.

However, Kaplan admits that Marinade “went full capitalist… basically, the highest bidder wins. Marinade doesn’t really care if a validator bids for stake and is just gonna lose money on that stake, that’s not their problem… They’re happy to take the money and give that to mSOL holders.”

Experts argue that in current conditions, staking yield over 10% simply isn’t sustainable. Kaplan contends “10% APY is higher than the native staking yield that is paid out on chain. The money has to come from somewhere.”

Without making any accusations, Kaplan theorizes that additional yield could potentially come from a validator’s own “marketing/growth budget” or other sources like “SWQoS / private mempool deals”.

Responding to any accusations, Repetny reinforces Marinade's stance that “SAM provides the best yield on the market for delegators. It is not an active policy maker or opinionated strategy to tweak the network.”
16 days ago
CHEF $POPDOG is cooking something up 🐻🥣
16 days ago
🔥 Temi’s exclusive NFT collection just dropped—only 50 available! 🔥

As a holder, you’ll be the first to receive a bundle packed with Temi merch, signed CDs, and more. This is your chance to mint something truly special before the world catches on.

> launchmynft.io/sol/7783

Don’t miss out—grab yours while you still can! 🚀 #TemiNFT
Alan | Traders Cove
21 days ago

Take control of your crypto with Multi-Chain tools for Traders & Developers with The Latest Technology.

Our utilities are live & operational. Heavily stress tested over past few months.
We feel Dash will elevate the meaning of the word “utility”

We built something unique with the potential to be adopted by 1000’s in this space. Until Dash, a lot of these functions and tools have never been easy to access and also protected. So we built our own for the culture.

Our mission is to create a significant impact on the crypto space and allow all levels of traders, developers, degens or even your grandma to enter the space equipped with stacked tool box!

Website - https://dashdapp.io/
Telegram - https://t.me/DASHEntryPort...

24 days ago
While you don't believe that the bull will hit NFT, let's figure out when it will happen 🤔

It has already happened. Why don't you understand where the liquidity has stagnated in the market, and what trend will conquer the market next?

Where is the next rocket? New SocialFi, shields in another chain? Which one? NEAR? CARDANO? While you are looking for new gems, liquidity is quietly flowing into already familiar channels, and the NFT market has already given it a local zazu 👋

It's even funny that the projects that were raped by sybils during the retro fever, holders of cult NFTs on the air were given more awards than their "faithful" adherents. But does this mean that the NFT sector will explode on this bull? Yes and no.

Last season's NFT bull run had just a few vessels to accumulate liquidity in - the CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club collections. Then demand cut off supply, leading to incredibly high price expectations and hopes, and liquidity leaked into other random ETH collections and other chains. Boom, the bubble burst, something that can never be repeated.

We now have many chains with NFTs, liquidity and attention are spread out, and there is no single major trend in a select few NFT collections. But NFTs are here to stay, and they continue to grow as a category. And locally, that will never stop.
27 days ago
LETS HYPE THIS UP AND GET MORE PROJECTS USING BULLVERSE!!!! cant wait for bullverse to do something better than X spaces lol!

SUPER EXCITED FOR OUR 4TH $NOOZ ROOM Chill & Shill... Spaces on X tomorrow!!

We've got some Huge $NOOZ for you guys on a new service that we've been working on for the last few weeks!! DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!

We have got 26 Amazing guest projects coming along to speak! Thursday 22/08/2024 10PM BST, 5PM EST!
























1 month ago
Landlord is cocking something big be ready
1 month ago
The beginning of something big?
1 month ago
What a great day it’s been for $NOOZ , more networking and partnerships!

Also we are cooking up something HUGE for the crypto space! Stay tuned!
1 month ago
Believe in something 🚀
1 month ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - August 8

The market is in need of a new meta, a lot of repetitive things coming out

Fake Trump Coin
$rtr -> hit $155m , "Restore The Republic"
- DonaldJTrumpJr was teasing at an exciting crypto announcement
- Plenty of legit people had sources saying that this was Trump's real coin
- People believe that they rugged at the last second, which has caused an outroar on the timeline

Neiro's friends
$fuku -> hit $4m , based on $neiro 's friend, kabosu family ( $doge )
$fuku -> hit $1m
$hachi -> hit $1m
- kabosumama has a new blog post

Dog Memes
$pitbull -> $400k to $1 .96m (4.9x), decent team
$pooku -> $260k to $1 .2m (4.6x)
$eggdog -> hit $8 .5m, insider
$maka -> hit $980k , cute dog
$maki -> hit $300k

Wizard meta
$lore -> hit $1 .15m
$wizcat -> hit $1 .1m, influencers backing

More Cooks
$schizo -> $95k to $2m (21x), revived after getting CTO'd
$gmblr -> hit $3m , sniped launch
$jajak -> hit $2 .83m, heavily pushed today, a lot of smart wallets aped, funny meme
$dwifkodak -> hit $1 .6m, celeb meta, pushed by KOLs
$money -> hit $1 .15m, "Just give me my money", good meme
$bif -> hit $850k , "banana wif hat"
$miy -> hit $800k , duck meme, CTO
$memest -> hit $380k , "memes street", CTO
$spurdo -> hit $370k
$bph -> hit $260k , "Blue Party Hat",

I want to see something new, something fresh that hasn't been done before

Can dev do something pls
1 month ago
Donald Trump Jr. said,

"We’re about to shake up the crypto world with something HUGE. Decentralized finance is the future—don’t get left behind."
Astro peng
1 month ago
💬 “We are about to shake up the crypto world with something HUGE.
Decentralized finance is the future – don’t get left behind.”

says Donald Trump Jr, the son of the American presidential candidate
1 month ago
Scared, very scared 😱

The fear and greed index has fallen to 17 (extreme fear). At times like this, it's a good time to buy something into your portfolio or do nothing.

What would you buy?🤔
Astro peng
1 month ago
💬 “Historically, every time we’ve seen this kind of global economic panic, crypto has initially gone down but ended higher over the next year”

This is what Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at Bitwise, specifies in a research note.

“If you’re like most crypto investors, you’ve been through a brutal wave of emotions, including fear or despair. For many, the emotion that hits hardest is something like anger.”

As a reminder, yesterday Bitcoin fell below $50 ,000 for the first time since February.

“But my real advice is to ignore the short term and look down. Bitcoin is a volatile asset, with big ups and big downs. It always has been and will continue to be for some time.”

2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 31

New month starts today, lock in as the market starts to heat up!

The World's Most Popular Plastic Chair
$chair -> hit $16 .5m, good liquidity to mc ratio, literally just a chair

Makenowmeme launch
$iq -> hit $11m , popular bell curve meme, first coin launched on makenowmeme

$cto -> hit $8m , launched by RaydiumProtocol
using makenowmeme
- This platform lets anyone create a memecoin just by tweeting something on X

Solana Drops A Promo Vid
$pfi -> hit $7 .5m, in the video, they say they're going to drop a token (satire) called PredatorFi, solana

$bol -> hit $2 .6m, whales involved

Multi-Million Dollar Runners
$gay -> hit $9 .9m, "The Gayest Token on Solana"
$bowo -> hit $6m , "book of wojak"
$baller -> hit $4 .6m
$halo -> hit $2m , cat meme, $holly relaunch with the cat's real name
$win -> hit $1 .7m

Fwog Holding Nicely
$fwog -> $12 .2m to $31 .4m (2.57x), CTO after dev rugged the initial coin, community relaunch by the artist

Influencer Backed Community Token
$trans -> hit $300k , "Trans Gorlock the Final Boss", token based on a viral influencer, team was allegedly in contact with her

Dog Meta
$ken -> $144k to $1 .2m (8.3x), ken chan is another dog from the kabosu dog family, he's their first dog
$ken -> hit $1 .3m, fresh launch
$bill -> hit $860k
$sob -> hit $390k , CTO, "Son Of A Bulldog"
$ken -> hit $260k , OG one, over 2 months old

Cat Memes
$onigiri -> hit $2 .2m, sister of $doge & $ginnan
$ufo -> hit $250k , ufo cat
Zoomer Meta
$skill -> $400k to $1 .58m (3.95x), "skill issue", CTO
$iq -> hit $11m , popular bell curve meme
$pookie -> hit $5m
$zesty -> hit $4m , "feeling cute", old coin that was dead, pushed by some of ansem's friends & other KOLs
$cbtm -> hit $1m , "could be the move"
$ttyl -> hit $300k , "talk to you later"

More Cooks
$pookie -> hit $870k , "Pookie: The Plastic Penguin", decent team
$gwilla -> hit $480k , gorilla meme
$n64 -> hit $300k , "cat poop joystick", nintendo 64
$dikec -> hit $290k , based on viral turkish man in the olympics, "cool turkish hitman"

$sol decreased today, but there was still plenty of volume for memes

What's your gameplan for tomorrow?
2 months ago
Good afternoon fellow #BULLS 🏆

take a look 👀and tell me what you see 🔥
something is cooking with #LANDLORD



2 months ago
What I find brilliant and at the same time completely crazy with the Crypto ecosystem 🤯

There are projects for absolutely everyone and all investor profiles 🙌

Both at the level of "domains" treated such as DePin, AI, RWA, DeFi, socialfi, supply chain, L1 and L2,...

Only more "calm" and serious projects compared to completely crazy and degenerate projects as possible 🚀

So there really is something for everyone!

So yes, that doesn't mean that everyone will be a winner, quite the contrary.
But this allows everyone to make their own decisions and choices in any case.

Having the freedom to choose remains the greatest freedom 💪
2 months ago
💥 Understand that you are simply ahead of the rest of the world. #Bitcoin is only a few years old, it is something very recent, just like the internet was before the 2000s.

Today, the richest own #Bitcoin , while the masses will tell you: "Your thing is a scam."

- Today, everyone uses the Internet.
- Tomorrow, everyone will use cryptocurrency, because CBDCs are not a question of “if” but “when”.
2 months ago
#Bitcoin 69k ✅

RIP to everyone who listened to the "pseudo experts" who said:

"SHORT #Ethereum and #Bitcoin , they will sell the news! #Ethereum and #Bitcoin go to the cellar 🤡 "

Tell yourself one thing:

🔹 If everyone thinks something, the market will do the opposite.
🔹 Institutions will always do everything to do the opposite of what they let you see.

⚠️ The masses are wrong 9 times out of 10, do the opposite of retail, follow the money.

We don't trade what we think, but what we see on the charts and on the onchain. So, stop relying on “influvoleurs” who tell you “I think that”, “maybe”, “we will go up but maybe we will go down”.
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 25

Overall slow day

Smoking Chicken Fish Steals The Show
$scf -> $14 .9m to $53 .6m (3.6x), "Church of the Smoking Chicken Fish"
$cfsm -> hit $1 .25m, "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster", beta to $scf
$crabs -> hit $540k , "Smoking Crabby", "The Holy Church of Bottom Feeders", beta to $scf
- Weird meme, but original
- Ansem bought & helped push this blknoiz06

- First time in a while that we see something that doesn't fit current metas (dogs, cats, matt furie characters, etc.) push this high

Mumu Blasts Through ATH
$mumu -> $82m to $187m (2.28x), Matt_Furie meme
- Whales heavily accumulating
- Someone 1 clip bought $2m worth and started clipping out of their position right after

$ETH whales push Brainlet
$brainlet -> $610k to $20 .8m (34x), popular meme

Mainstream Memes
$aura -> $32 .2m to $52 .3m (1.62x), great team
$manifest -> $2 .16m to $9 .67m (4.47x), CTO, team keeps pushing
$hmu -> $320k to $3 .4m (10.6x), "hit me up"
$omg -> hit $1 .22m, CTO'd
$test -> hit $948k , "testosterone"
$affirm -> hit $933k , same vibe as $manifest
$fml -> hit $265k
$bidness -> hit $260k , "standing on bidnes", CTO, cute cat

Chosen Memes of The Day
$oreo -> hit $1 .35m, dog with oreo-like fur
$usdt -> hit $1 .27m, "Ultimate Supreme Degen Tiger", fire meme, CTO

More Cooks
$karris -> $855k to $4 .7m (5.5x), "Kamela Karris", redacted KamalaHarris

$ikigai -> $1 .43m to $3 .8m (2.65x), wholesome
$meta -> $79k to $1 .56m (19.8x), wizard meme, cult-like community forming
$puppet -> hit $9 .22m, popular meme
$apu -> hit $4m , ran straight to millions, heavily bundled
$god -> hit $820k , "The First Dev"
$ets -> hit $575k , based on ETHEREALSOLS33

$lenny -> hit $540k , CTO, "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" meme
$raid -> hit $490k
$visualize -> hit $317k , CTO
$coca -> hit $398k , "Cocaine Shark"
$jesus -> hit $271k , "The First CTO Leader", beta to $god

Once we get back to full bull mode & retail starts coming in, people will stop jeeting for 10% profit

Until then, keep stacking your gains while minimizing risk🤝

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