Astro peng

Level 2

Before asking yourself if a project will make me rich, ask yourself if this project is close to your heart, if I have the courage to put up with the stupidity of others on a negative level, and finally if this project is really useful and will still be around in 10 or 20 years' time. After that, yes, this project will make you rich.

Bullverse meets all these criteria. It's not even about pure finance, it's about adventure. It's not just a social network, it's a success story. If for some people selling is a question of clothes, for me it's this gem that's going to be a runaway success that those who sold at 5% will regret. Thank you for selling it to me to build 99% of my life.
8 months ago (E)

Level 1

8 months ago
In response Astro peng to his Publication
So inspiring and, above all, true.

Just question of time #BullVerse