
Level 1

7 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 29

Great volume today

Market is seriously picking back up, keep reading 👇

Rug Turns Into A Community Relaunch
$fwog -> hit $17m , community relaunch, $eth whales pushing
$flog -> hit $4 .11m, rug
$fwog -> hit $300k , OG fwog launched June 5th
- $flog launched and rugged, the artist was mad and decided to relaunch as $fwog
- This was the runner of the day

Zoomer Memes
$ong -> $7m to $25m (3.6x), 3% of supply has been locked up for 6 months ($350k)
$higher -> $500k to $2 .5m (5x), good CTO
$bro -> hit $1m , "It's a CTO bro"
$stoic -> hit $750k
$aylmao -> hit $616k

Smoking Chicken Fish Is Taking Over
$scf -> $47m to $107m (2.27x)
$scf -> hit $616k , OG smoking chicken fish from 2023

Buck To A Buck
$buck -> hit $4 .75m, CTO, dog meme, once this buck started moving, people started pushing around the OG one (which was previously inactive)
$buck -> hit $1m , OG buck
$dolla -> hit $600k , $buck derivative

Ginnan Is A Boy
$ginnan -> $16m to $44 .5m (2.78x), "Ginnan Doge's Sister"
$ginnan -> hit $2 .5m, "Ginnan Doge's Brother"
- "Ginnan Doge's Sister" ran to $40m +, but turns out that Ginnan is a boy which means that he's Doge's brother (not sister)

Dogecoin meta
$neiro -> $38 .5m to $82m (2.1x)
$suji -> $65k to $1 .5m (23x), Tsutsuji, "Doge's sister cat"
$MoM -> hit $3 .45m, "Mother of Memecoins", CTO, coin about $doge & $neiro 's mom
$oni -> hit $900k , cat meme, " $doge 's cat "

Dog Memes
$pupperfish -> hit $5m , viral dogfish
$nichi -> hit $1 .6m
$snuggy -> hit $510k , CTO
$dolly -> hit $450k

Cat Memes
$gpc -> hit $1m , "GoProCat", based on what a1lon9 (pumpfun's founder) said in an interview
$meo -> hit $885k , Chinese meme
$cc -> hit $500k , cult cate, has been made before
$chester -> hit $500k
$incel -> hit $440k

Other Cooks
$jet -> hit $775k , "Sardine 737"
$gigana -> hit $250k , woman $giga , CTO
$pumpy -> hit $220k

Imagine what happens when retail starts using trojan, BullX, photon, etc...

Level 1

7 months ago
Am I the only one who's annoyed by those planned rugs sneaking up on trending tokens trapping unaware investors?

Seemingly looking legit with locked liquidity and value only going up, they dump heavily in a matter of hours. These tokens should never be allowed any visibility, Dex Screener doing nothing to prevent it.

Level 1

7 months ago (E)
GM! Please join us today with our partners
HelloMoon_io (https://x.com/HelloMoon_io) for our very own $POPDOG x HELLO MOON AMA live space! 🐶 x 🌙

Live space link 🚨🎤

We have some exciting things being built by their platform🚀🚀🚀

Level 1

7 months ago
$POPDOG space is live with our partners HelloMoon_io (https://x.com/HelloMoon_io) !
Who is going to take us to the moon ! Join space !


Level 1

7 months ago
Name a better duo.

We'll wait...


Level 1

7 months ago
If anyone's a teenage dirtbag, it's not $POPDOG