13 days ago
In a recent appearance at ETHToronto, Frank Mathis highlights the next steps for DePIN’s future.

GenesysGo founder Frank Mathis is no stranger to the highs and lows of crypto’s thriving DePIN sector.

Drawing on his years of experience, Mathis joined other DePIN thought leaders at ETHToronto, including Helium COO Scott Sigel, to discuss the future of the sector.

“If DePIN solves that, DePIN is inevitable”
Like many passionate crypto community members, DePIN advocates staunchly argue that DePIN is inevitable. Speaking to hundreds of crypto enthusiasts at ETHToronto, Mathis offered a refreshing point of view.

The GenesysGo founder argues that value creation for contributors is one of the most integral aspects of running successful DePIN networks. Mathis highlighted that, while DePIN promises to reward contributors as decentralized software scales, “it’s shocking how much of that is running on AWS and Google Cloud.”

For example, over 50% of Ethereum node operators are hosted on AWS, Hetzner, and OVH servers.

Reiterating the importance of wealth creation for contributors, Mathis contends “what DePIN really is, is an attempt to take one of the most centralized layers of the stack and decentralize that amongst the people such that they start to participate in the growth and success of these models.”

GenesysGo’s ShdwDrive is one such example. The decentralized storage solution empowers users to earn $SHDW tokens by providing unused mobile storage to a distributed network, directly generating income from a device that lives in their pocket.

Reflecting the ideal DePIN model proposed by Mathis, network contributors benefit from the growth and success of the platform. The GenesysGo founder reinforced this notion, opining “DePIN is only as inevitable as the value that participants in the network get from it… if DePIN solves that, DePIN is inevitable.”

On paper, the benefits of DePINs are obvious. However, in practice, these platforms often sacrifice performance and scalability in favor of decentralization. While this aids in value creation for contributors and increases security, it actually hamstrings performance and growth.

DePIN is often considered the natural evolution of the sharing economy, which delivered iconic businesses like Uber and Airbnb.

Drawing parallels between the pearls of the sharing economy and emerging DePIN projects, Mathis illustrated that “Uber became highly successful, not just because you’re able to share in pieces of things you don’t use everyday.. but because it worked well, it was fast, it was easy to use.”

Mathis argues that for DePIN projects to truly take off, they need to rival the performance standards set by centralized industry leaders. Referencing his experience with GenesysGo, the founder posits “in our case, our first principle [is] decentralized storage needs to be as fast, as secure, as stable, and perform every bit as well as a traditional Web2 cloud service.”

The Web3 user experience has long been considered one of the industry’s biggest obstacles to adoption. The complexities of wallet management and security have discouraged newcomers to space for over a decade, and continue to repel potential users today.

Mathis insists that abstracting the end-user experience away from blockchain technology is key to the success of the industry. Reinforcing this belief, the founder affirms “Your end user shouldn’t know that they’re interacting with Web3”

Looking towards the future, Mathis considers DePIN regulation will present a significant obstacle to the sector’s growth. However, instead of taking a chagrined approach to future regulatory concerns, the GenesysGo founder suggests that DePIN projects need to take on some responsibility.
15 days ago
Marinade Finance, one of Solana’s original staking providers, has found itself in hot water with validator operators.

Validators argue that Marinade’s new Stake Auction Marketplace (SAM) harms the staking landscape, allowing malicious actors to thrive at the expense of honest validators.

Beyond losing stake in the network, chagrined validators suggest that, left unchecked, the SAM model is a threat to decentralization and Solana’s scalability moving forward.

Marinade has dismissed these accusations. Countering claims of apathetic negligence, Marinade argues those who criticize the new system do so out of spite.

Is this a case of willful blindness, or are validators looking for a scapegoat to blame for their own shortcomings?

Once heralded as a powerful new model that would push staking APY to new heights, the SAM has drawn scorn and skepticism from certain validators. Marinade’s SAM enables validators to bid on network stake, with winners securing stake and passing on elevated rewards to delegators.

To win auctions, validators competitively bid on network stake. However, surging demand for stake has driven validators to bid at potentially unsustainable levels. In previous epochs, winning validators needed to yield over 10% APY to win auctions, a rate considered impossible to achieve through native staking alone.

This has led certain operators to speculate on how these validators can afford such high bids. Suggesting that such yield can only be achieved through malicious activities, like sandwich attacks, private mempools, and off-chain deals, some validators argue that Marinade is turning a blind eye to dishonest validators.

Distressed validators have created analytics dashboards to express their frustrations and support their claims. Hanabi’s ‘Marinade Stake Selling’ dashboard highlights that a number of validators flagged for malicious activity have won stake through the SAM.

Responding to accusations levied by third-party dashboard creators, Marinade CEO Michael Repetny argues “Hanabi lacks any methodology, they only copy labels from other Stakewiz dashboard to call it a day.”

Adding further context to the claims of disgruntled operators, Repetny affirms “Hanabi lost 1M SOL from Marinade so it’s understandable he fights the new system.”

Concerned validators have taken to Marinade’s Discord server to air their grievances. Operators have claimed that, through the SAM, over 2.7M SOL has been staked to questionable validators, including sybils and sandwiches. Disgruntled operators even suggested “Marinade wants you to have side deals, ethical or not.”

Additionally, validators have argued that if “most of the mSOL pool is delegated to unethical validators it’s a really bad look for the Solana ecosystem.”

In an exclusive statement with SolanaFloor, Max Kaplan, Head of Engineering at Edgevana, credits Marinade for trying something inventive that “had never been done before”.

However, Kaplan admits that Marinade “went full capitalist… basically, the highest bidder wins. Marinade doesn’t really care if a validator bids for stake and is just gonna lose money on that stake, that’s not their problem… They’re happy to take the money and give that to mSOL holders.”

Experts argue that in current conditions, staking yield over 10% simply isn’t sustainable. Kaplan contends “10% APY is higher than the native staking yield that is paid out on chain. The money has to come from somewhere.”

Without making any accusations, Kaplan theorizes that additional yield could potentially come from a validator’s own “marketing/growth budget” or other sources like “SWQoS / private mempool deals”.

Responding to any accusations, Repetny reinforces Marinade's stance that “SAM provides the best yield on the market for delegators. It is not an active policy maker or opinionated strategy to tweak the network.”
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 25

Overall slow day

Smoking Chicken Fish Steals The Show
$scf -> $14 .9m to $53 .6m (3.6x), "Church of the Smoking Chicken Fish"
$cfsm -> hit $1 .25m, "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster", beta to $scf
$crabs -> hit $540k , "Smoking Crabby", "The Holy Church of Bottom Feeders", beta to $scf
- Weird meme, but original
- Ansem bought & helped push this blknoiz06

- First time in a while that we see something that doesn't fit current metas (dogs, cats, matt furie characters, etc.) push this high

Mumu Blasts Through ATH
$mumu -> $82m to $187m (2.28x), Matt_Furie meme
- Whales heavily accumulating
- Someone 1 clip bought $2m worth and started clipping out of their position right after

$ETH whales push Brainlet
$brainlet -> $610k to $20 .8m (34x), popular meme

Mainstream Memes
$aura -> $32 .2m to $52 .3m (1.62x), great team
$manifest -> $2 .16m to $9 .67m (4.47x), CTO, team keeps pushing
$hmu -> $320k to $3 .4m (10.6x), "hit me up"
$omg -> hit $1 .22m, CTO'd
$test -> hit $948k , "testosterone"
$affirm -> hit $933k , same vibe as $manifest
$fml -> hit $265k
$bidness -> hit $260k , "standing on bidnes", CTO, cute cat

Chosen Memes of The Day
$oreo -> hit $1 .35m, dog with oreo-like fur
$usdt -> hit $1 .27m, "Ultimate Supreme Degen Tiger", fire meme, CTO

More Cooks
$karris -> $855k to $4 .7m (5.5x), "Kamela Karris", redacted KamalaHarris

$ikigai -> $1 .43m to $3 .8m (2.65x), wholesome
$meta -> $79k to $1 .56m (19.8x), wizard meme, cult-like community forming
$puppet -> hit $9 .22m, popular meme
$apu -> hit $4m , ran straight to millions, heavily bundled
$god -> hit $820k , "The First Dev"
$ets -> hit $575k , based on ETHEREALSOLS33

$lenny -> hit $540k , CTO, "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" meme
$raid -> hit $490k
$visualize -> hit $317k , CTO
$coca -> hit $398k , "Cocaine Shark"
$jesus -> hit $271k , "The First CTO Leader", beta to $god

Once we get back to full bull mode & retail starts coming in, people will stop jeeting for 10% profit

Until then, keep stacking your gains while minimizing risk🤝

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