14 hours ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 3

Majors are struggling, most coins are topping before $200k

When $btc (& $sol ) moon, we'll get more runners

America's Independence Day Tomorrow - 4th of July
$sam -> hit $1 .6m, CTO
$awif -> hit $620k , American $wif

Redacted Politicians
$kama -> $6 .9m to $22m (3.18x), redacted KamalaHarris, good team
$bernie -> $520k to $2 .84m (5.46x), redacted BernieSanders

Khamzat Posts CA
$smash -> hit $15m ,
- The coin has been out for over 24h
- People were already expecting that it would be this
- When he posted the CA, price wicked to $15m +, but immediately dumped back down
- There was not much hype since the coin was already out = no speculation

Sage Launch
$sage -> hit $51m , liquidity was pulled
- There were a couple other fake coins that ran to $500k +
- CryptoSage26 never actually posted a CA
- Some threads are coming out saying that this was intended to be the real coin, but they decided to pull liquidity when things didn't go as planned

Walter Deal
$walter -> $2 .2m to $8 .7m (3.95x)
- Agreement announced between Walter's owner PupperNelson & WalterDogSolana

Mao Wants More
$mao -> $2 .4m to $9 .5m (3.95x), CTO

Dog Memes
$billy -> $80m to $140m (1.75x), overtakes $michi in market cap, Ansem rumored to have bought multiple 6 figs
$lulo -> hit $1 .9m, CTO
$bull -> hit $900k , CTO
$winny -> hit $600k , same dev as $subo , which hit $8m
$barny -> hit $500k , CTO
$inu -> hit $500k

Other Cooks
$dragon -> hit $13 .9m, heavily bundled
$bbq -> hit $460k

Only risk what you're comfortable losing

Market conditions are poor = more rugs = tighten your risk measure
1 day ago
in meme shit


Astro peng
2 days ago
Liquidations over the last 24 hours ❌
👉 Long: $52 .95 million
👉 Short: $32 .29 million

Total Open Interest on #Bitcoin  
👉 $33 .12 billion | + 0.82% 📈

Volume on the NFT Ethereum market 📊
👉 1 month: $299 .74 million
👉 6 months: $867 .72 million
👉 1 year: $569 .92 million
Astro peng
2 days ago
🇩🇪 The German government is again transferring 832 #Bitcoin   to various crypto exchanges.

This represents more than $52 million.

Astro peng
3 days ago
#RockyRabbit , a new #tap2earn game, has skyrocketed to nearly 500k users in just 4 days!

New #HAMSTERKOMBAT like narrative?
You can receive $TON rewards too from the app.

Join here: https://t.me/rocky_rabbit_...
4 days ago
Over 500 million NFTs have been minted on our solana blockchain, with the majority using the new compressed NFT standard.

▶️ Total NFTs minted: 520 million+
▶️ Total Collections: 100,000+
▶️ Total Collectors: 49 million+
Astro peng
4 days ago
The Guiness Book is a mess

Very high AirDrop potential when tapping a hamster

If you'd like to join me in this adventure : https://t.me/hamSter_komba...
6 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 27

The market is still struggling to find a concrete meta

In this market, the key is to adapt & be versatile

Trump vs Biden Debate
$usa -> $16 .6m to $43m (2.6x from the low)
$usacto -> hit $3m , "America CTO"
$bboden -> hit $583k , POTUS as a redacted baby
$joever -> hit $550k , "It's Joever"
$sloe -> hit $450k , "Sloppy Joe"

Gavin Newsom Replacing Joe Biden
$noosum -> $1 .1m to $9 .2m (8.36x), redacted Newsom
$newsum -> $440k to $3 .4m (7.7x), another redacted Newsom
$newsom -> $91k to $2 .3m (25.5x)
- After Joe Biden's poor performance, people are saying that democrats should replace him with GavinNewsom

Viral Meme "Daddy Chill" Launch
$chill -> hit $4 .75m,

Amber Rose Launch
$muva -> hit $8 .3m,

Kimi Reaches $300m +
$kimi -> hit $330m , heavily bundled, launched on pumpdotfun
$kimi -> hit $1m , "KIMI-burn"

Cat Memes
$sc -> $3 .5m to $9 .9m (2.82x), "Star Cat", strong CTO
$bobby -> $1 .4m to $6 .6m (4.71x), CTO
$tiny -> hit $1 .7m, dev is doxxed, using his own cat

Dog Memes
$spot -> hit $1 .8m, 180+ people in vc
$bullseye -> hit $470k , "Target Dog", CTO

Long-Term Cooks
$popcat -> $220m to $625m (2.84x from the low)
$ponke -> $131m to $232 .9m (1.77x from the low)
$michi -> $44m to $155m (3.52x from the low)

More Plays
$aura -> $4 .9m to $11m (2.24x), good team
$spike -> $595k to $1 .8m (3x), another $spike launched which seemed like a honeypot, people bought into the OG spike for a bounce
$moonwif -> $120k to $420k (3.5x), launched on dexscreener's moonshot
$otty -> hit $1 .8m, Otter Meme, CTO

CTO's are a meta in & of itself.

Most of these CTO coins would not have pumped as much if the dev never sold
10 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 24

DexScreener launches "moonshot", a competitor to pumpfun

First Coins On Moonshot
$first -> hit $5 .2m, first coin to finalize on moonshot
$mc -> hit $1 .8m, "Moon Cat"
$stan -> hit $1 .3m, first cat to finalize on moonshot
$mutt -> hit $969k , first dog on moonshot, second coin to finalize
$herbo -> hit $545k , "first celebrity coin on moonshot", based on gherbo
- The first 2 coins that bonded $first & $mutt had really bad LP's, but the following coins were fine
- Whenever something new launches, people look for the "first" of everything. Be on the lookout for these, that's where all the attention is

Moonshot Launches
$launch -> hit $788k , "Launch Party"
$matrix -> hit $727k , relaunch by the same team of a previous $matrix coin that ran to $4 .3m. "Escape the matrix"
$eagle -> hit $662k , based on dexscreener's logo
$pepe -> hit $627k , pepe on moonshot
$laika -> hit $577k , dog coin
$moon -> hit $456k , based on moonshot from dexscreener

Water Launch
$water -> hit $1b , hyped pre-sale launch

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange strikes a plea deal
$assange -> hit $913k

Influencer Coins
$jason -> $1 .6m to $13 .3m (8.3x), jasonderulo continues to push
$bobbi -> hit $852k , Sahil posts a screenshot where Bobbi Althoff posts a CA on her ig story
$king -> hit $540k , Sahil hints at an adinross token

More Cooks
$peanie -> $1m to $2 .34m (2.34x), penguin meme
$bag -> $575k to $1 .7m (2.95x), "Ikea Bag"
$korg -> hit $2m , based on elonmusk's tweet, CTO
$micu -> hit $900k , cat meme
$jack -> hit $500k , dog meme

Keep an eye on high mc, major memes ( $boden , $tremp , $michi , etc.) that are looking to make a reversal

Buy when others are fearful, sell when others are greedy
13 days ago
JupiterExchange's governance proposal to fund the Uplink group to develop growth-based content has passed.

- $552 ,000 for 12 months operation
-2.5m $jup vested for 4 years
15 days ago
Is OP_CAT the missing piece for BTC L2s?

This opcode has everyone talking; what does it do?

A beginner's guide 👇

Bitcoin L2s are the talk of the town, but not much of their promise has been realized yet.

What are Bitcoin's builders waiting for?

One significant proposal could help mature the Bitcoin L2 landscape: the reintroduction of OP_CAT. This opcode, which was disabled early in Bitcoin's history, could unlock new capabilities and pave the way for more sophisticated and trustless Bitcoin L2 solutions.

Let's dig into why this opcode could be so transformative for BTC 👇

What is OP_CAT?
Okay, so why is this seemingly random opcode so controversial? OP_CAT, or "Operation Concatenate" is an opcode in Bitcoin's scripting language that allows for the concatenation of two data elements.

Initially proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto, OP_CAT was disabled in 2010 due to security concerns related to its original implementation, specifically potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks caused by unbounded memory usage.

The introduction of the Taproot upgrade in 2021 has mitigated these original concerns. Taproot enforces a maximum stack element size of 520 bytes, addressing the memory usage issue that led to OP_CAT's deactivation. With this security improvement and resurgent Bitcoin development interest, thanks to Ordinals and Runes, a movement to reintroduce OP_CAT to enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities is gaining steam, aiming to put more complex transaction capabilities in reach.

Are Covenants and Smart Contracts Different?
One reason why OP_CAT is so compelling is because it can actualize covenants, i.e. spending conditions, on Bitcoin. Covenants and smart contracts are both mechanisms for controlling the flow of funds in a blockchain network, but they operate in distinct ways.

Purpose: Restrict how funds can be spent in future transactions.
Functionality: Implement specific spending constraints, such as limiting addresses or setting conditions on fund transfers.
Complexity: Generally involves simpler, deterministic logic without loops or complex computations.
Implementation: Can be implemented using Bitcoin Script with enhancements like OP_CAT.

Smart Contracts:
Purpose: Automate a wide range of processes and transactions.
Functionality: Handle complex tasks such as decentralized exchanges, token issuance, and multi-party agreements.
Complexity: Support complex conditional logic, including loops and intricate computations.
Implementation: Commonly implemented on platforms like Ethereum using high-level programming languages.

Why Does OP_CAT Matter for Bitcoin L2s?
OP_CAT would prove crucial for advancing Bitcoin L2 solutions because it enhances the scripting capabilities needed for more complex and trustless Bitcoin infra. First, OP_CAT allows for covenants, enabling the construction of more complex scripts. This is essential for creating advanced transaction conditions and functionalities required for L2 solutions.

Additionally, if OP_CAT is activated, projects like StarkWareLtdare on standby to develop atop it. StarkWare has plans to leverage OP_CAT for bringing zero-knowledge (ZK) scaling to #Bitcoin to enable advanced financial instruments and apps on the network. StarkWare’s involvement here underscores the broader ecosystem's readiness to capitalize on the enhanced capabilities that OP_CAT would introduce.

As such, as the community continues to explore and test the possibilities around this proposal, the future of Bitcoin L2s looks promising and ripe with potential. At this point, reactivating OP_CAT seems like a matter of when not if!

Written by
16 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 18

Low volume day compared to yesterday

Still some good plays

Heavy Hitters
$billy -> $17 .33m to $64 .4m (3.71x), continues to get pushed by whales
$wolf -> $16m to $61m (3.81x), controlled supply by a good team = bullish

Dog meta on top
$holdy -> hit $4m , CTO
$jotchua -> hit $2 .7m
$henry -> hit $1 .7m, CTO
$booper -> hit $1 .7m, good team
$shibby -> hit $774k , CTO
$pawtus -> hit $593k ,
POTUS + dog meta, CTO
$bunny -> hit $590k , CTO
$honey -> hit $525k
$peep -> hit $512k

Martin Shkreli bets that $djt is really Trump's coin
- GCR offered to bet $100m
zachxbt is exposing $djt & insiders
MartinShkreli is exposed for being related to the $djt launch

Trump Rally
$maga -> hit $2m , "maganomics"
- Trump had a rally today, people were speculating on him to talk about $djt /crypto

$diamond -> $256k to $1 .4m (5.47x), "diamond hands"

$chippy -> hit $7m , big KOLs supporting
$wig -> hit $2 .3m
$pvidia -> hit $724k , $pepe + $nvidia

One day market is hot, next day market is dead

Let's see what tomorrow brings🤝
16 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 17

0xKitchen cooked hard

Today was one of the craziest days in a while, you're going to want to read this one

Binance replies about billy
$billy -> hit $65m , CTO
- This meme grasped most of the attention
- It kickstarted the dog meta
- It was CTO'd 10+ times

Memes based on billy
$ouppy -> hit $4 .4m same pic as billy, launched before $billy
$bobby -> hit $3 .4m, golden retriever like $billy
$gireumee -> hit $2m , real name of $billy dog
$niggy -> hit $829k , black $billy

Dog meta resurfaced after $billy 's success
$dbtg -> $478k to $1 .4m (2.93x)
$bicho -> hit $5 .4m, CTO, "bichon frise" dog breed
$doggy -> hit $4 .1m
$willy -> hit $2 .1m, CTO
$milly -> hit $825k
$mocha -> hit $552k , CTO
$grumpo -> hit $500k , good team, infinitely memeable

Donald Trump allegedly launched a coin
$barron -> $1 .2m to $7m (5.8x), Donald Trump's son Barron leading the launch
$djt -> $50k to $4m (80x), old Trump coin pumped on the news
$djt -> hit $450m , believed to be the real one, MartinShkreli said it's real on spaces
$psmdt -> hit $578k , "please save me donald trump"
- PirateWires reports that realDonaldTrump is launching a coin on solana
- Draining liquidity from the market, all eyes on this
- Other Trump coins dumped, since they would become larps of the real one

Mystery launch
$ngmi -> hit $365m
- Extremely anticipated with thousands of members in the telegram pre-launch
- Plenty of KOLs on board

Rizz launch
$rizz -> hit $90m
- Very hyped launch solgotrizz
- Got sniped hard, hence the major retracement

Waka Flocka launches
$flocka -> hit $15 .4m
- WakaFlocka has been teasing for days
- People were looking forward to this launch as he sounded serious about it
- He only posted the contract address when it was already at $5m market cap

Fake Ryan Garcia coin launches
$garcia -> hit $1 .4m
- These fake launches often explode before rugging
- People speculate on these for early entry before the influencer posts the CA RyanGarcia

More cooks
$mgm -> $315k to $2 .1m (6.67x), "most googled man",
$peponke -> hit $4m , $pepe + $ponke
$lulu -> hit $2m , cat coin, 50% burn
$anon -> hit $800k , good art
$camel -> hit $679k , same team as $peipei
$bag -> hit $479k , "Ikea Bag", burnt dev supply
$willy -> hit $454k , same dev as $rif (chinese wif)

Even with $sol dumping, we were blessed with countless opportunities today

Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings us

What's your game plan for tomorrow?
27 days ago (E)
27 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 6

Build a circle of like-minded people that are all working towards the same goal.

Keith Gill scheduled to stream tomorrow $gme -> $58m to $180m (3.10x) $kitty -> $5m to $27 .6m (5.52x) $dfv -> $450k to $4 .5m (10x) $superstonk -> $1m to $4 .29m (4.29x), Keith continues to post on r/superstonk has scheduled a live stream for tomorrow on youtube
- He posted another update of his position on reddit (u/DeepFuckingValue)
- His position is currently worth $586m , he hasn't sold or exercised a single call.

Let's see what Friday has in store for us

Stay locke
Catronaut Solana
2 months ago
Do you know which meme coins are already verified on X after a short period of time (dont mention and rugged CTO's, thanks)

(of course we are also verified on @bullverse and are very happy to support the platform)
#letsgo #letsflytothemoon #catsinspace #cryptocountdown #marketahead #SolanaGems #MemeCoinMadness #moresoon
Mavie sol
2 months ago
Excited to see what's coming! Been waiting for the VirulentNFT project to launch for almost 2 years now.
Keep an eye out👀, for updates and join their Discord to be in the loop!

#NFT #Solanaseason #SOL
#Bitcoin     #NFTcollectibles
Umair. A
2 months ago

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