📅 We are entering the "Uptober".
Historically, October has been a bullish month, with BTC seeing an average gain of 22.9% in 8 of the last 9 Octobers.
A similar increase would take us above $78 ,000, pushing the #Bitcoin above its ATH.
Although ETH tends to perform well in October, its average returns over the last 8 months of October have been around 5%.
Historically, October has been a bullish month, with BTC seeing an average gain of 22.9% in 8 of the last 9 Octobers.
A similar increase would take us above $78 ,000, pushing the #Bitcoin above its ATH.
Although ETH tends to perform well in October, its average returns over the last 8 months of October have been around 5%.
3 months ago