2 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 4

$BTC broke daily support, alts are following

Volume on memes has been steadily decreasing

Davinci Tweet
$peon -> hit $3 .4m, world of warcraft meme
$orc -> hit $2 .25m
Davincij15 tweeted "Someone needs to create a peon meme coin from world of war craft"

Sage Launch
$sage -> hit $84m
CryptoSage26's coin
- They've been teasing at a launch for a while
- Heavily bundled

High Market Cap
$daddy -> $57m to $141m (2.47x from recent low),
Cobratate's coin bounces after he pushes some new content for $daddy

Moonshot Launches
$landlord -> $700k to $4m (5.71x), launched on moonshot, good team
$yachts -> hit $490k , "Captain Lee"

Dog Memes
$yoda -> hit $610k , based on cb_doge's tweet about his dog
$timmy -> hit $300k , beta to $billy , CTO
$cutie -> hit $280k , CTO

Cat Memes
$mao -> $5 .6m to $11 .8m (2.1x), very strong CTO team
$hehe -> $1 .65m to $5 .65m (3.42x), good meme
$miu -> hit $2m , CTO,
blknoiz06 allegedly bought some
$moko -> hit $675k , CTO
$push -> hit $320k

$mojo -> hit $500k ,

Most high market cap memes have had a substantial pull-back

Keep in mind that crypto is the only affected market right now, the nasdaq is at ATH

Looking at the weekly chart on $BTC , $ETH , $SOL , can restore some faith; when in doubt, zoom out
3 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 3

Majors are struggling, most coins are topping before $200k

When $btc (& $sol ) moon, we'll get more runners

America's Independence Day Tomorrow - 4th of July
$sam -> hit $1 .6m, CTO
$awif -> hit $620k , American $wif

Redacted Politicians
$kama -> $6 .9m to $22m (3.18x), redacted KamalaHarris, good team
$bernie -> $520k to $2 .84m (5.46x), redacted BernieSanders

Khamzat Posts CA
$smash -> hit $15m ,
- The coin has been out for over 24h
- People were already expecting that it would be this
- When he posted the CA, price wicked to $15m +, but immediately dumped back down
- There was not much hype since the coin was already out = no speculation

Sage Launch
$sage -> hit $51m , liquidity was pulled
- There were a couple other fake coins that ran to $500k +
- CryptoSage26 never actually posted a CA
- Some threads are coming out saying that this was intended to be the real coin, but they decided to pull liquidity when things didn't go as planned

Walter Deal
$walter -> $2 .2m to $8 .7m (3.95x)
- Agreement announced between Walter's owner PupperNelson & WalterDogSolana

Mao Wants More
$mao -> $2 .4m to $9 .5m (3.95x), CTO

Dog Memes
$billy -> $80m to $140m (1.75x), overtakes $michi in market cap, Ansem rumored to have bought multiple 6 figs
$lulo -> hit $1 .9m, CTO
$bull -> hit $900k , CTO
$winny -> hit $600k , same dev as $subo , which hit $8m
$barny -> hit $500k , CTO
$inu -> hit $500k

Other Cooks
$dragon -> hit $13 .9m, heavily bundled
$bbq -> hit $460k

Only risk what you're comfortable losing

Market conditions are poor = more rugs = tighten your risk measure
5 days ago
@boostlegends Hey guys i signed up on boostlegends but the admin did not paid what he have promised for i also messaged hime but they are ignoring me i dont know why this is my username
13 days ago

Solana uses PoH to IMPROVE their ecosystem??

Proof of History(PoH) is a unique consensus
algorithm developed by Solana to enhance
blockchain scalability and performance. It serves
as a cryptographic clock that verifies the passage
of time between events and transactions, which
then creates a historical record that proves events
occurred in a specific sequence.

This has reduced the need for traditional consensus protocols to verify timestamps, and significantly increased the network's efficiency.
17 days ago
Is OP_CAT the missing piece for BTC L2s?

This opcode has everyone talking; what does it do?

A beginner's guide 👇

Bitcoin L2s are the talk of the town, but not much of their promise has been realized yet.

What are Bitcoin's builders waiting for?

One significant proposal could help mature the Bitcoin L2 landscape: the reintroduction of OP_CAT. This opcode, which was disabled early in Bitcoin's history, could unlock new capabilities and pave the way for more sophisticated and trustless Bitcoin L2 solutions.

Let's dig into why this opcode could be so transformative for BTC 👇

What is OP_CAT?
Okay, so why is this seemingly random opcode so controversial? OP_CAT, or "Operation Concatenate" is an opcode in Bitcoin's scripting language that allows for the concatenation of two data elements.

Initially proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto, OP_CAT was disabled in 2010 due to security concerns related to its original implementation, specifically potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks caused by unbounded memory usage.

The introduction of the Taproot upgrade in 2021 has mitigated these original concerns. Taproot enforces a maximum stack element size of 520 bytes, addressing the memory usage issue that led to OP_CAT's deactivation. With this security improvement and resurgent Bitcoin development interest, thanks to Ordinals and Runes, a movement to reintroduce OP_CAT to enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities is gaining steam, aiming to put more complex transaction capabilities in reach.

Are Covenants and Smart Contracts Different?
One reason why OP_CAT is so compelling is because it can actualize covenants, i.e. spending conditions, on Bitcoin. Covenants and smart contracts are both mechanisms for controlling the flow of funds in a blockchain network, but they operate in distinct ways.

Purpose: Restrict how funds can be spent in future transactions.
Functionality: Implement specific spending constraints, such as limiting addresses or setting conditions on fund transfers.
Complexity: Generally involves simpler, deterministic logic without loops or complex computations.
Implementation: Can be implemented using Bitcoin Script with enhancements like OP_CAT.

Smart Contracts:
Purpose: Automate a wide range of processes and transactions.
Functionality: Handle complex tasks such as decentralized exchanges, token issuance, and multi-party agreements.
Complexity: Support complex conditional logic, including loops and intricate computations.
Implementation: Commonly implemented on platforms like Ethereum using high-level programming languages.

Why Does OP_CAT Matter for Bitcoin L2s?
OP_CAT would prove crucial for advancing Bitcoin L2 solutions because it enhances the scripting capabilities needed for more complex and trustless Bitcoin infra. First, OP_CAT allows for covenants, enabling the construction of more complex scripts. This is essential for creating advanced transaction conditions and functionalities required for L2 solutions.

Additionally, if OP_CAT is activated, projects like StarkWareLtdare on standby to develop atop it. StarkWare has plans to leverage OP_CAT for bringing zero-knowledge (ZK) scaling to #Bitcoin to enable advanced financial instruments and apps on the network. StarkWare’s involvement here underscores the broader ecosystem's readiness to capitalize on the enhanced capabilities that OP_CAT would introduce.

As such, as the community continues to explore and test the possibilities around this proposal, the future of Bitcoin L2s looks promising and ripe with potential. At this point, reactivating OP_CAT seems like a matter of when not if!

Written by
22 days ago
$MANEKI on Solana becomes the first memecoin to be interviewed by the New York Stock Exchange.

It's impossible not to see the massive usage, adoption and growth of #SOL
The Real World
25 days ago
Andrew Tate sends a message to all crypto dorks and explains how members of The Real World will win the game
Catronaut Solana
2 months ago
2/ By investing in Catronaut, you're not just supporting a pioneering space journey, but also championing a cause that seeks to protect our furry friends on Earth and beyond. Let's make history and send a positive message across the galaxy! Join us to support a humane future. 🌌

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