6 days ago
Sentiment is down, and critics have been quick to point out ETH's underperformance against SOL while largely attributing this to a perceived loss of mindshare and users to L2s.

This narrative has sparked a crucial debate: Are L2s Ethereum?

brings the analysis...


🤔 Symbiotic or Separatist?
L2s have been a core component of Ethereum's rollup-centric roadmap from the very beginning. They were envisioned as extensions (technical and cultural) of Ethereum, designed to expand its capabilities and attract a broader user base.

At their core, L2s are deeply linked with Ethereum. They share its DNA — relying on ETH as the currency, benefitting from Ethereum's security blanket, and utilizing it for data storage and settlement. It's like a startup leveraging its parent company's infrastructure and brand recognition, a win-win for both.

The symbiotic relationship between L2s and Ethereum is undeniable. L2s thrive on Ethereum's infrastructure and security, while Ethereum benefits from the increased activity and increased demand for ETH, making it a better store of value.

By offering lower fees and faster transaction times, L2s have made it easier for developers to build different types of applications. Look at the explosion of memecoins on Base or the rise of SocialFi platforms like Farcaster creating new markets for users.

Beyond that, L2s are becoming major hubs for DeFi activity, and ETH, the asset, is at the heart of this ecosystem. Look at the numbers:
— these chains are dominated by ETH-related assets.

🧛‍♂️ Vampire attack?
However, one of the primary arguments against the rollup-centric approach to scaling Ethereum is the assumption that L2s may not continue to rely on Ethereum. Sure, L2s and Ethereum seem like a happy family now. But what if L2s build their own empires and ditch Ethereum altogether? No more relying on Ethereum for security, no more ETH as gas, not even needing Ethereum's block space.

This "L2s go rogue" fear is a legitimate concern. Technically, they could build independent ecosystems with their own validators as they would then be able to own the entire modular blockchain stack. So, is this the future – a messy breakup between L2s and Ethereum? Not necessarily.

We can all agree that there are perhaps a few too many L2s. Too many copycats. Too little differentiation. It's like a thousand startups chasing the same market, all promising the same thing. This isn't healthy.

What we need are L2s that matter. L2s that offer something unique, something that sets them apart. Security, app diversity, GTM strategy — these are the areas where we need to see real innovation.

But we must be wary of ‘echo chambers’. These zones of chains should not become isolated universes. A healthy L2 ecosystem is one where chains work together, not in isolation. We need bridges, not moats.

We need collaboration. We need communication. We need education. We need incentives. We need to build shared infrastructure and standards that foster seamless connectivity across L2s. Only then can we truly win together.

💭 Closing Thoughts
You can say that L2s aren’t Ethereum. You can argue L2s aren’t even extensions of Ethereum. But you cannot deny the fact that L2s enhance the utility of Ethereum and ETH.

The "L2s vs. Ethereum" debate is a false dichotomy. This isn't a zero-sum game. Ultimately, Ethereum and L2s are in this together. Let's build a future where Ethereum and L2s thrive as a symbiotic whole, and push the crypto ecosystem forward.
Astro peng
8 days ago
📱❌ SpyAgent, the new threat specialized in cryptocurrency theft, seen in more than 280 Android applications...

McAfee's Mobile Research Team has discovered a new type of mobile malware that targets seed phrases by scanning your device for images that may contain them.

This Android malware cleverly disguises itself as various trustworthy applications, ranging from banking and government services to TV streaming and utility apps.

However, once installed, these fake apps secretly collect and send your text messages, contacts and all images stored on servers.

12 days ago
BullVerse Update

There have been numerous inquiries regarding BullPad, and we would like to address them. After careful consideration, the team has decided that launching BullPad at this time would not be beneficial. The market sentiment remains highly bearish, trading volumes across financial markets are low, and overall uncertainty persists. Furthermore, Pump.fun’s volume has decreased by 95% from its all-time high. All signs indicate that this is not the ideal time to release a launchpad. However, we remain fully committed to launching it when market conditions are more favorable.

BullPay is currently in beta (available at bullpay.fun). As well-needed solution in the space, it is connected to a lot of upcoming features inisde the platform. BullPay will serve not only as a marketplace but also as a crypto payment gateway, like Stripe or PayPal for crypto transactions. We developed an API kit allowing our partners to get paid from their website or mobile app.

Activity Rewards & User Experience
We are still working on developing a sustainable, more gamified and automated solution for activity rewards. Once this is finalized, we will announce it, and automated payouts will resume.

The BullVerse Ecosystem
It’s important to note that BullVerse is a long-term project. We are continually enhancing user, partner, and community engagement. As with any major project, development will unfold progressively rather than all at once.

The team is working tirelessly behind the scenes to improve the BullVerse ecosystem daily. Many individuals are involved, and significant resources have been invested in this project. Our commitment is unwavering, and we continue to expand our network by forming strategic partnerships, which are crucial for long-term growth. The vision is clear and we are enjoying the journey.

Our primary focus has been on laying a strong foundation by creating a stable platform that incorporates both incentives and crypto utilities. Our main goal is to deliver a clear and practical use case that attracts the visibility BullVerse deserves. As a utility project, we view this as a key driver of our success: BullVerse should not just be about content, but also a hub where crypto enthusiasts can speculate, win, lose, be rewarded, and find their community. Something exciting is coming very soon..

Bullish times are ahead,
The BullVerse Team
13 days ago
Crypto is attractive because of its potential for fast gains

Utility isn't what's driving the majority of investors; if it were, $DOGE wouldn't hold the 4th highest market cap at $14 billion

When utility is overshadowed by speculation and quick profits, the spotlight naturally shifts to memecoins

If attention and fast gains are what truly matter, then memes will inevitably become the focus of the market

The only variable is how quickly you come to this realization
14 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - September 3

Opportunities are everywhere

Monkey Pox
$pox -> $20m to $71m (3.55x)
- Community & team are continuously grinding
- Steadily moving upwards since launch
- Nice concept & art

First Memecoin On Moonkebiz
$sick -> hit $6 .9m
- Launched on moonkebiz
- "First stake-to-meme protocol on Solana"

Hyped Launch
$korat -> hit $12m
- This launch has been in the works for a couple weeks
- Huge pump on launch, then continuous dumps
- Went from $12m to $3k market cap within 2 hours

Crypto Twitter Memes
$ultra -> $112k to $1 .85m (16.5x), "UltramanGodzillaNebulaM78", viral meme on CT
$look -> $434k to $1 .44m (3.3x)
$sweg69 -> hit $511k , "milleniumsweghunter69", good website with a Yu-Gi-Oh card generator
$bagfag -> hit $359k , "Baguette smoking a Faguette"

Fwog Betas
$pogchi -> hit $384k , "Pepefwogmichi", $pepe + $michi + $fwog
$gowilla -> hit $222k , $fwog + gorilla

$sae -> hit $493k , "Shill and earn", shill tokens, share them on Twitter, earn 3% referral fees for each trade
$pumprep -> hit $207k , tracks the quality of token developers to help prevent rug-pulls

Other Cooks
$mpig -> $929k to $2 .6m (2.8x), launched on dexscreener's moonshot
$luv -> $30k to $291k (9.7x), cat meme
$jetski -> hit $1 .83m
$mope -> hit $1 .7m, dev rugged, current CTO
$johnny -> hit $340k , cute puppy meme

Focus on preserving capital in such market conditions
20 days ago

Fresh minting mechanics are bringing greater security to Solana NFTs, but new mints and large collections struggle to garner attention and are trading below mint price.

New NFT collections have learned a painful lesson this week. If it wasn’t obvious due to stagnant floor prices and diminishing trade volume, launching a fresh collection in these conditions is a difficult task.

Despite commentators claiming these hyped collections will usher in a “new era” and whitelist spots selling at over $50 apiece on open markets, launches from Pathfinders and Hermans have failed to meet expectations.

Will Solana’s NFT market ever witness another successful 10,000 NFT collection? Or are small supplies the only way of conserving value?


Despite proposing a new, risk-free method of launching Solana NFTs, the Pathfinders collection faces difficulty minting out. At press time, only 2,125/10,000 NFTs have been minted, falling well short of expectations.

Pathfinder’s novel LST-backed NFT collection launched with noble intentions. Providing an alternative mechanic that aims to protect minters, the collection has launched Solana’s first un-ruggable NFTs.

Unlike standard NFT mints, Pathfinders NFTs are minted using pathSOL, the project’s native liquid staking token. Holders reserve the right to redeem their NFT for the underlying pathSOL used to mint the asset, essentially securing the NFT’s value at a minimum of 2pathSOL.

Regardless, Solana’s NFT community has largely ignored the project’s novel approach to minting. Supporters of the new mechanic took to social media to express their disappointment with the NFT community’s apparent apathy. 

Commentators noted that network participants have collectively poured thousands of SOL into extractive and malicious actors, but are unwilling to support builders providing meaningful alternatives.

‘Hyped’ New Mint Immediately Under Floor - Are Presales to Blame?

Boasting a sold-out presale that constituted 55% of the total supply, the Hermans NFT collection suffered a similar fate. Priced at 1.5 SOL per NFT, Hermans struggled to attract interest during the public mint, forcing the team to take drastic action.

Hermans trading on secondary marketplaces like Tensor and Magic Eden was locked until the mint was complete, meaning holders were unable to list their assets. The team took it upon themselves to buy all unminted assets. The Hermans’ treasury now holds over 1,600 NFTs, roughly 33% of the supply.

Almost immediately, the collection began trading beneath mint price as presales and regretful minters clamored to liquidate their holdings for SOL. Hermans currently exchange hands at 0.84 SOL, down 44% from the original mint price.

While poor NFT market conditions are a significant contributor to the recent slew of disappointing NFT launches, social media commentators have argued that NFT presales are also to blame.

Low Supply NFT Collections Retain Value

In recent years, NFT markets have witnessed countless large supply collections suffer devastating downtrends. 

Top Solana collections like Mad Lads, Tensorians (pictured), and Claynosaurs have all endured significant drawdowns, while dozens of less-resilient projects have effectively plummeted to zero.

Comparatively, low supply and 1/1 NFT collections have retained their value remarkably well. Limited supply art collections like Boogles, Dead King Society, and The SixNine are typically only available through OTC deals and have maintained comparatively stable floors, regardless of SOL price fluctuations.

Arguably, this suggests that the most valuable utility NFTs offer is access to exclusive communities. Alternatively, it could also indicate that low-supply collections with low market liquidity create an elite sense of perceived value, which has supported the valuations of these co
Alan | Traders Cove
21 days ago

Take control of your crypto with Multi-Chain tools for Traders & Developers with The Latest Technology.

Our utilities are live & operational. Heavily stress tested over past few months.
We feel Dash will elevate the meaning of the word “utility”

We built something unique with the potential to be adopted by 1000’s in this space. Until Dash, a lot of these functions and tools have never been easy to access and also protected. So we built our own for the culture.

Our mission is to create a significant impact on the crypto space and allow all levels of traders, developers, degens or even your grandma to enter the space equipped with stacked tool box!

Website - https://dashdapp.io/
Telegram - https://t.me/DASHEntryPort...

25 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - August 23

Crypto is pumping

$btc closes +6% today
$eth & $sol follow at +5% and +7% respectively

Runners Of The Day
$ptc -> $880k to $2 .7m (3.06x), 70% of supply burnt, paper drawings of $btc
$ufo -> hit $2 .4m, decent team, heavily sniped on launch
$sym -> hit $1 .65m, "the most symmetrical dog on Solana",
$nibo -> hit $1 .2m, large buys on launch, decent team, dog meme
$susdog -> hit $950k , based on a viral suspicious dog meme

Smoking Chicken Fish Gains Volume
$scf -> $19m to $83m (4.4x from the low), reversal, banger video drop, team is heavily dedicated
$sed -> $500k to $1 .95m (3.9x), beta to $scf , has been slow cooking since its launch on August 20th, heavy push today following $sc

Fwog Making Higher Highs
$fwog -> $10m to $28m (2.8x),
- Community continues to get stronger
- Some of the best art in the space
- Great background story (dev rugged -> artist/community relaunch)

Utility Play
$chat -> $5m to $18m (3.6x from the low), ATH $174m , shilled by MarioNawfal

Other Cooks
$ong -> $400k to $1 .94m (4.85x), "On God", gen z/tiktok meta, was dead but slowly reviving, ATH is $25m
$afc -> hit $440k , "Airforce Chicken"
$bb -> hit $435k , "Bubble Buddies", based on a spongebob character, twitter community instead of a twitter account
$belief -> hit $375k , influencer coin, dog meme
$mow -> hit $310k , "Monkey On Watermelon"
$kak -> hit $278k , "Kakling Kamala", based on KamalaHarris' laugh, launched on dexscreener's moonshot
$ascend -> hit $240k , cat meme, CTO

The market has been absolutely dead lately, but if majors continue to pump, volume will start to pick up

It's important to consider that September is historically one of the worst months for the market (S&P500)

This doesn't necessarily mean that history will repeat itself, but it is interesting data nonetheless

Lock in 🔒
30 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - August 18

Did you print or did you touch grass today?

Blinks Launch
$bgg1 -> hit $6 .9m blinks_gg

- Utility project

Davinci Community Coin
$early -> $115k to $2 .2m (19x), 20% of supply sent to Davincij15

Reddit Dog Pushes Over $10m
$snoofi -> $2m to $11 .5m (5.75x), $r /snoofi, community is on reddit, original idea
$limmy -> $50k to $450k (9x), $r /limmy, reddit cat
$reddit -> hit $900k
$mcdog -> hit $630k , "minecraft dog", dev made a minecraft server for the coin
$r /ape -> hit $445k , "reddit ape", CTO

Dog Meta
$ken -> $90k to $1 .95m (21x), $doge 's owner's first dog, KOLs leaked info
$joey -> hit $525k , dog meme, interesting people involved
$yuko -> hit $500k , shiba inu, CTO

More Cooks
$bub -> $2 .3m to $30m (13x from the low), good CTO team, viral cat meme
$taddy -> $600k to $3 .3m (5.5x), "Daddy Trump",
cobratate's $daddy + Trump
$phat -> hit $2 .1m, "party hat", RuneScape
meme, 73.5% of supply burned
$4chan -> hit $800k , "FSJAL"
$roastie -> hit $310k

Volume is going to pick up tomorrow as the weekend comes to an end

Really liking this reddit meta, brings some freshness to the market
1 month ago
Are you a project on Solana?

Imagine your token being used by sellers and your community to:

- Unlock exclusive content
- Get paid for services
- Buy and sell digital products
- Create payment links

BullPay brings this utility to you and makes the experience seamless for your users, regardless of your token's price at the time of the transaction.

Bring this bullish utility to your community now!

Get in touch with @bullverse
2 months ago
Neon, an Ethereum Virtual Machine on solana, launches Season 1 rewards claim with utility NFT drops and airdrops.
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 26

$sol looks healthy, all we need is to break past $210 so we can aim for a new ATH

Hawk Tuah Comeback
$hawktuah -> $530k to $10 .17m (19.2x)
- elonmusk follows HalieyWelchX

- HawkTuah girl is attending the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville

Influencer Launch
$gyat -> hit $564k , wicked to $4 .4m, emarrbb

Landwolf Pushing
$wolf -> $52 .6m to $166m (3.15x), chart looks very good

Mumu Breaches $200m
$mumu -> $166m to $254m (1.53x)
$mimi -> hit $800k , mimi the bull, " $mumu 's wife ", CTO

Memes That Make You Lose Brain Cells (in a good way)
$brainlet -> $13 .3m to $29 .6m (2.23x), new ATH, pushed by $eth whales
$schizo -> hit $4 .9m
$sgb -> hit $1 .94m, "Screaming Gorilla Bird"
$spaz -> hit $525k , CTO
$pbjt -> hit $474k , "Peanut Butter Jelly Time"

Smoking Chicken Fish Keeps Pushing
$scf -> $35m to $85m (2.43x)
$cfsm -> $510k to $5 .15m (10.1x), Flying Spaghetti Monster, beta to $scf
$crabs -> $179k to $915k (5.11x), Smoking Crab, also a beta to $scf
- Just when you thought it was over, the smoking chicken fish shows you why it deserves more
- This thing has been all over the timeline

Zoomer Meta
$culture -> $1 .8m to $4 .75m (2.64x), "Men of Culture", CTO
$ong -> $396k to $3 .76m (9.5x), "on god"
$real -> $525k to $2 .3m (4.38x), this word is used all the time on social media
$lll -> hit $3 .1m, Live Laugh Love
$kek -> hit $1 .88m, "cult of kek"
$smh -> hit $1 .4m, "so much higher", CTO, KOLs onboard
$utility -> hit $830k , "The best utility is no utility"
$glaze -> hit $500k , slang meaning you're giving excessive praise to someone
$ticker -> hit $311k , "band 4 band"

Cat Memes
$djcat -> $300k to $5 .5m (18.3x), back from the dead, ATH is at $18m
$usdt -> $410k to $2 .73m (6.65x), tiger meme (I guess that still counts as a cat)
$smol -> $160k to $943k (5.9x), "smol cat", after months of consolidation, price exploded these past few days
$t -> hit $1 .5m, cat doing a T pose

More Cooks
$selfie -> $28m to $48m (1.7x), keeps making new ATH's after being dead for a while
$mad -> $15 .5m to $32m (2x), major come back from a low of $700k
$dollar -> $1 .8m to $5 .2m (2.88x)
$dewy -> hit $3 .28m, this meme got hella attention, ansem replied to it, dev burnt 5 figs worth
$miland -> hit $985k , "milady multiverse"
$cussy -> hit $745k , based on JDVance

$zeke -> hit $375k , cute rabbit
$mbc -> hit $300k , "Mutant Boys Club",
Matt_Furies boys club but a mutant variation
$glitched -> hit $267k
$spikey -> hit $250k , a cactus meme

Always remember to take a break & enjoy your weekend 🤝
3 months ago
🌊We are back introducing Bullverse in our special episode of Pengy Daily Degens.🐧

Join them on their way to the moon.🌕💫


The Utility memecoins are bringin the new meta.💪
3 months ago
Crypto in 2024: Mid-Year Reflections

4 takeaways 👇

Crypto moves fast – like blink-and-you-missed-it fast.

The first half of this year has been no different, with new chains and applications emerging daily and the crypto industry gaining mainstream acceptance in the financial world.

Amid the Twitter echo chambers and the frenzy of bull market price action, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. So, let's zoom out and focus on the signal amid the noise.

TL;DR Crypto is just getting started; don't get shaken out.

Today, we’ll take a step back to reflect on the key developments of H1 2024, exploring the significant events and trends that highlight the progress we've made this year. 👇

1️⃣ Crypto is now mainstream
Remember the days when crypto was a niche plaything for cypherpunks? Those days are well over.

In the first half of 2024, crypto broke through to the mainstream with a vengeance.

The turning point was the long-awaited approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs in January. Suddenly, Wall Street had a comfortable on-ramp to crypto, and they took it in a big way. Eleven ETFs launched in one day, and volumes broke records.

And it didn’t stop at Bitcoin. The SEC finally greenlit eight spot ETH ETFs in May, further validating the entire crypto ecosystem, and opening the door for even broader institutional adoption.

2️⃣ Crypto Adoption Accelerating
Crypto adoption is accelerating at a remarkable pace. The number of active users across blockchains is up big time, hitting an all-time high of 42.92 million active addresses in April.

Another factor is the resurgence of DeFi. DeFi activity and mindshare are on the rise again, signaling a renewed interest and activity onchain, one that's moving beyond simple speculation to perhaps some real-world utility, like in the form of stablecoins for payments and asset tokenization for RWAs such as government securities.

The momentum is clear: more people are coming onchain, and they're finding more reasons to stay.

3️⃣ Ethereum Still Dominant, But Solana Rising
Ethereum remains the dominant force in crypto. Over 60% of the total value locked in DeFi sits on Ethereum, a testament to the lindy ecosystem, which acts as a foundation for countless applications and chains.

This dominance is not just a matter of capital but also technological progress on the roadmap. Ethereum is scaling through L2s like Base who have seen robust adoption this year, and thanks to the most recent Dencun upgrade, offer users significantly lowered gas fees.

Moreover, Solana’s innovation engine is running hot. Tech advancements like zk-compression and user-friendly features like Blinks are setting the stage for broader adoption, and we can see that Solana’s network effects are taking root in real time.

Make no mistake: Ethereum isn't going anywhere. Its established network effects and vast developer community ensure its continued importance in crypto. But Solana's impressive strides can't be ignored. Both ecosystems are thriving, each in its unique way. This parallel adoption is a win for crypto users, as it accelerates innovations and drives the entire industry forward.

4️⃣ More Chop Ahead, Then Up-Only
Bitcoin broke its all-time high in March, briefly breaching the $70 ,000 mark. While that party seemed to end pretty abruptly, let's not get carried away. This bull market is far from over.

The long-awaited ETH ETFs are nearly here, interest rate cuts are likely on the way, and crypto will likely continue to earn a place on the national stage during the U.S. elections with potential positive policy shifts in play.

💭 Closing Thoughts
So, has the first half of 2024 been all smooth sailing for crypto? Not quite.

The bull market must go
3 months ago
After filing for a solana spot ETF, Vaneck comes out to discuss Solana's potential as a competitor to Ethereum, making reference to its scalability, speed, and low transaction costs.

They believe Solana's decentralized nature and high utility could establish it as a valuable commodity compared with other digital assets.
3 months ago
WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin) is now officially live on #Solana by Wormhole. This mew development is expanding its utility in the Solana DeFi ecosystem.
3 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 21

Low volume as majors continue to decline

Lots of rugs, be safe

Utility Play
$meba -> hit $1 .5m, launched on
pumpdotfun working game

Wif Deployer Wallet CTO
$pinkguy -> $78k to $650k (8.33x), launched by the same dev as $wif

50 cent gets hacked, hacker posted a coin on his profile
$gunit -> hit $6 .5m, the hacker studied 50cent
, he was typing just like him

Cat Meta
$itty -> hit $3 .5m, CTO
$lola -> hit $1 .4m
$cutie -> hit $560k , good CTO team

Dog Meta
$zaza -> hit $2 .5m, "highest dog on solana", good CTO team

Normie Approved
$HawkTuah -> $1 .4m to $18m (12.9x), based on a viral video, KOLs backing this

Matt Furie Memes
$birddog -> $3m to $18m (6x), 3 month old CTO
$doogle -> $420k to $3 .9m (9.29x),
, good content
$landpepe -> hit $667k , $wolf + $pepe

Good Content
$slumbo -> hit $4 .5m
$steve -> hit $1 .7m, hyped launch with good art
$lean -> hit $1 .5m, lots of whales aped
$zeke -> hit $886k , rugged

More Cooks
$vespa -> hit $1 .1m, speculation that $sc team were CTO'ing this
$hard -> hit $980k , backed by big names

Remember to touch grass & enjoy your weekend!
3 months ago
KaminoFinance has recently integrated Solana's Token22 into its Kamino Lend platform, hinting at significant upcoming developments.

This integration aligns with Kamino's strategy of enhancing its decentralized finance (DeFi) offerings, which includes:

➢ lending

➢ liquidity provision and

➢ leveraging capabilities within the Solana ecosystem.

The integration of Token22 is expected to further streamline and optimize these processes, attracting more users and increasing the platform's overall utility.
3 months ago
gm 🦊 fam,

The Kitsune Dev team have released a side utility-meme project

It is a Telegram Bot that posts dogs. TheDoggerBot on TG.

Check it out and as always DYOR + NFA.
3 months ago
DriftProtocol a perpetual DEX on Solana partners with OndoFinance to integrate tokenized real-world assets (RWAs) like treasury bills into Solana DeFi.

USDY will be integrated on Drift, enhancing capital efficiency and utility, with plans to bring more assets on-chain.
3 months ago
Bullish to be on BullVerse!

Kitsune is a utility project that uses Raid 2 Earn (R2E) to incentivise engagement on social media posts.

The Kitsune Raid Suite is available for free to any project, with any Solana token, in any Telegram.

If you are interested rewarding your community today in your own token feel free to get in contact or follow the attached user guide to get started.
4 months ago


4 months ago
Solcex Exchange will be launching very soon.
Utility token $SOLCEX
Supply - 1B
Current price - 0.018usd
A token with an easy 1 dollar potential when Solcex Exchange will launch and token will be listed in top tier CEX. Don't miss this out.
Load your bags now and hold.

Astro peng
4 months ago
Those who leave because of less important content like X are the ones who will brag about having known the project in its early days, but also those who will miss the train. I've decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and really believe in something. I really hope that the developers won't take this project lightly just to make money, but to create a real brand with real utility over time. I'll be here until this project reaches 500 million in market capitalization. I'll be there to see it. Keep bringing me good news, and I'll keep supporting you, even if it takes time. $BULL @bullverse
4 months ago
$PROMI (ticker: PROMI)
$PROMI is promote&earn utility coin. Dive into the $PROMI revolution and win prizes. Don't miss your chance to join the journey and witness $PROMI ascent to prominence across Solana, Jupiter, and whole ecosystem. Our mission is to help communities thru marketing process. We will choose the most reliable projects for you. Check our coin we will be promoting this month, do tasks and win $SOL prizes.

4 months ago
Withdrawal is enabled on BullVerse

Bullish utility for $BULL !

To withdraw funds from our platform, you need to lock the equivalent USD amount of $BULL for a minimum of 30 days.

This helps us mitigate spammers and account farmers.

To withdraw funds, use the following steps:

1 - Go to the Wallet section. https://bullverse.io/walle...
2 - Find the Withdrawal button.
3 - Lock $BULL ( USD equivalent you want to withdraw )
4 - Fill out the rest of the form and submit your request.
4 months ago
Well the last project by 0xwinged went to 100mil with no utility…..you do the maths….

4 months ago
Meme coins are fine but they grow fast and dump even faster.

Many aren’t able to take profits on time.

#BullVerse is a serious project with social media dedicated for crypto especially on Solana chain.

Team is based.

Token launch utility is on the way.

It’s our safe spot, we will be literally able to print money inside the #BullVerse and also from token $BULL itself.

You are still early.

Future is bright.

Mavie sol
4 months ago
@bullverse is charging forward! They've already applied for listings on Coingecko and CoinMarketCap , so get in early before this project takes off.

Bullverse $BULL is more than just a token - it's a powerful utility platform already live and accessible!

#crypto #BULL #SOL #bullish
5 months ago
Peer to peer is dead.
Memes are taking over.
A bunch of nerds are trying to create useless utility with my technology. Vitamin C is the utility !

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