10 days ago
🏴‍☠️1. night before $OPUS Presale goes live 🏴‍☠️

you ready for the battle of the #Ethereum wil victory be yours 😎

⚡Powerd by

⚔️start your quest ⚔️
1% $OPUS in Rewards 💰
you dont want to fade on this

Astro peng
17 days ago
🇧🇷 Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson plans to build decentralized social network in Brazil following X ban.

"While Brazil has silenced our brothers and sisters on X, their work will remain and matter to all of us."

“I look forward to recruiting many Brazilians to help us build a decentralized social network.”

Astro peng
28 days ago
💊 Noland Arbaugh, the first man to receive the Neuralink implant, shares his internet browser, one of the tabs of which is a PumpDotFun page

Astro peng
2 months ago
🚨 A wallet #Bitcoin inactive for almost 12 years transferred 37 $BTC to a new wallet.

This represents 2.5 million dollars.

This wallet received these 37 $BTC in 2012 purchased for $476 at the time.

2 months ago
As November’s critical election draws closer one presidential candidate has made his pro-crypto stance abundantly clear, but have any promises or policies been made?

For the first time in the nation’s history, crypto policy will take center stage and play a crucial role in the U.S. Presidential race. With over 52M cryptocurrency owners in the country, according to a Coinbase report, winning the crypto vote could well mean the difference between sitting in the Oval Office and hanging up your Campaign tie for another four years.

Where do Trump and Biden stand on crypto? Will Biden attempt to make amends for Gary Gensler’s crypto crusade? Will Trump, the self-proclaimed ‘crypto president’ deliver on his claims?

The Biden Administration has hardly been crypto-friendly in the last four years. Under Biden’s watch, Securities and Exchanges Commission Chair Gary Gensler has led a merciless campaign against the digital asset industry, serving lawsuits to crypto companies left, right, and center.

Gary Gensler hasn’t been alone in his fight against cryptocurrency. Senator Elizabeth Warren has strongly advocated against cryptocurrencies in the past, frequently using individual examples to paint the entire industry in a bad light.

With November only four months away, the Biden administration’s stance on crypto hasn't changed. A recent Statement of Administration Policy declared that the Administration was against passing H.R. 4763, a proposed regulatory framework for digital assets.

The decision was made due to the belief that “H.R. 4763 in its current form lacks sufficient protections for consumers and investors who engage in certain digital asset transactions.”

Despite refusing the framework, the Biden Administration maintains that it “is eager to work with Congress to ensure a comprehensive and balanced regulatory framework for digital assets, building on existing authorities, which will promote the responsible development of digital assets and payment innovation and help reinforce United States leadership in the global financial system.”

Despite calling Bitcoin a ‘scam against the dollar’ back in 2021, Trump seems to have changed his tune on cryptocurrency. In a recent tech fundraiser event in San Francisco, Trump has rebranded himself as the ‘crypto president' evidently trying to win the vote of the nation’s population on digital asset holders.

Trump’s dramatic change of heart toward the cryptocurrency world has even made its way onchain. Arkham Intelligence, a popular blockchain analysis and tracking tool claims to have identified Trump’s crypto wallet, which holds over $7 .9M of digital assets. The former President has also shown a penchant for NFTs having launched several Trump Digital Trading Card collections.

More recently, Trump has promised to “end Biden’s War on Crypto”. The Republic candidate has further declared that he is “very positive and open minded to cryptocurrency companies”. Aligning himself with the Bitcoin faithful, Trump views Bitcoin as “our last line of defense against a CBDC”.

These views align with Republican Senator Bill Hagerty, who expressed that a CBDC is “the last thing I think we need as a nation” and “would be very detrimental to our economy, to the dollar and certainly to innovation in this space” during a recent interview with Solana Head of Strategy Austin Federa.

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