27 sec. ago
Despite uncertainty across the wider crypto markets, the Solana ecosystem continues to reward its loyal users with a wealth of liberal incentives and airdrops.

Which rewards programs and incentives should you have on your radar?

Ever since the $JUP TGE supporters and community members have been able to stake JUP tokens within Jupiter’s platform and vote on decentralized governance proposals that shape the direction and future of the protocol.

All voters and contributors, regardless of how they cast their votes, are eligible for a share of around $60M in Jupiter ASR (Active Staking Rewards). Allocations are calculated based on an individual account’s voting power and will be comprised of:


7.5B WEN


7.5M UPT

750,000 SHARK

These highly anticipated Active Staking Rewards are expected to be distributed before July 10, with an official allocation checker scheduled to go live sometime on July 5. It’s important to note that JUP claimed during the event will automatically added to your wallet’s staked amount.

Following the success of its gamified LST loyalty program, Wonderland, Sanctum’s initial $CLOUD airdrop is slated to go live in mid-July. Attracting over 300,000 participants and amassing over $1B TVL (Total Value Locked) in early June based on DeFiLlama data, Sanctum’s CLOUD airdrop is one of the ecosystem’s most eagerly awaited events.

Sanctum's CLOUD airdrop introduces a novel approach to token distribution. With 10% of the total allocated to the event, the Sanctum has made the decision to split reward users based not only on their Wonderland XP, but also on their 'Earnestness'.

An official date for the CLOUD airdrop is yet to be announced, but it expected to go live sometime in mid-July.

One of the largest DeFi applications by TVL in the Solana ecosystem, Marinade’s Season 3 Rewards program is well underway.

Expected to run for three months, Marinade Season 3 promises to distribute 25M MNDE tokens, currently valued at $2 .7M, to community members who deepen total mSOL liquidity. Users are encouraged to earn bonus MNDE incentives by providing mSOL liquidity in three different ways:

Kamino mSOL/SOL LP Vault - Up to 12.5M MNDE tokens will be allocated to users who provide mSOL/SOL liquidity on Kamino Finance. LP providers will also be eligible for Kamino rewards.

Looping Meteora mSOL/SOL LP Tokens - Up to 5M MNDE tokens will be allocated to users who deposit into mSOL/SOL pools on Meteora and strategically loop their yield through Solend.

Discretionary LP/Partner Rewards - The remaining 7.5M MNDE tokens will be distributed to community members who deepen mSOL liquidity through various other partnerships. These partnerships are dynamic and currently undisclosed.

Another Solana DeFi powerhouse, Kamino’s Season 2 records program is thriving in full force and scheduled to end around the end of July.

Reward allocations are calculated linearly based on points accrued through using the protocol’s various functions, including lending and borrowing markets. By staking KMNO, the platform’s native token, users receive multipliers that boost their point generation.

Kamino’s Season 2 rewards program has been further bolstered by the integration of PayPal’s PYUSD stablecoin, which has attracted over $38M in TVL at press time.

A clear winner of Jupiter’s Round 3 LFG Launchpad candidates, Debridge’s ongoing rewards program has attracted over 470,000 unique accounts and transferred over $3 .1B across different blockchains.

Accruing points through Debridge’s rewards program is straightforward, users simply need to transfer funds between chains using the protocol and by referring new users.

As of July 1st, the Parcl Perpetual Points program has entered its second season. Expected to last for the remainder of 2024, the
Astro peng
13 hours ago
🔍 The GambleFi, trend or bullshit?

The online gambling market

The global online gambling market is experiencing phenomenal growth. Estimated at $63 .5 billion in 2022, it is expected to reach the impressive figure of $153 .6 billion by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 11.7% (Grand View Research, 2023). This trend is reflected in Statista's projections, which forecast an increase to $131 .91 billion in 2027, an annual growth of 8.54%.

The geographical distribution of these incomes is just as interesting. The United Kingdom dominates the market with $12 .48 billion in revenue in 2021, closely followed by the United States ($10.96 billion) and Australia ($6.55 billion). In Europe, France is positioned as the 5th largest player, generating $3 .83 billion in revenue in 2021, behind Italy (4.51 billion) but ahead of Germany ($3.65 billion).

It is in this flourishing context that GambleFi, or "Gambling Decentralized Finance", has emerged since 2021. This new trend promises to revolutionize the gambling industry by injecting the power and transparency of the blockchain. No more opaque casinos and centralized betting platforms. Make way for a new era where every bet, every gain, and every transaction are verifiable on the blockchain.

The figures speak for themselves: according to Softswiss, crypto betting jumped by 21.1% in 2023, with an impressive 50.5% increase in the number of transactions. This growth is part of a broader trend of the adoption of cryptos in gambling.
2 days ago
@boostlegends Hey guys i signed up on boostlegends but the admin did not paid what he have promised for i also messaged hime but they are ignoring me i dont know why this is my username
3 days ago
Colosseum, a leading organization dedicated to fostering early-stage Solana blockchain projects, has recently secured $60 million in funding. With this funding, Colosseum can support early-stage founders and help foster innovation in the Solana ecosystem.

Colosseum's unique model combines hackathons to discover talent, a comprehensive accelerator program to nurture promising teams, and a venture fund to provide financial support.

7 days ago
Venture Capitalist GSR made a recent report suggesting that solana could be on track to join Bitcoin and Ethereum with its own spot ETF, citing its prominent role in the crypto market alongside the Big Three. #btc #eth #SOL

The impact on $SOL just might be the largest yet.
9 days ago
Blast's airdrop is tomorrow

And the stakes couldn't be higher...

Here's what you need to know before tomorrow's drop 👇

It's almost... finally... just about here.

Ethereum’s Blast_L2 has been one of the more innovative protocols when it comes to incentive models for bootstrapping deposits and user activity.

They've been very successful thus far, enabling the network to accumulate over $2B in total value locked (TVL) and become the second-largest L2!

While Blast has transformed into a Goliath among L2s, the imminence of its airdrop – scheduled for tomorrow, June 26 – raises undeniable concerns about the network’s future in the aftermath of this much-anticipated event.

Today, we’re digging into what we know about the airdrop and unpacking the dilemma Blast faces in the post-drop battle to retain existing users and their capital! 👇

What's Happening with Blast?
Many early Blast depositors were shocked when they received a points multiplier instead of liquid tokens at mainnet launched in February, and despite promises to conduct a drop sometime in May, this date was subsequently delayed to June 26 (tomorrow!) for unknown reasons.

Although Blast had not provided complete tokenomics until today, it had committed to setting aside half of the nebulous initial airdrop allocation to recipients of “Points” and the other half to holders of “Gold.”

Further, Blast introduced “Jackpots” to distribute Gold to users; wallets could enter a “deck” of up to eight Blast-native tokens or NFTs into these randomly occurring events to receive Gold if one of their selected items is chosen as the Jackpot winner.

Needless to say, it's been a long, winding road filled with a lot of leaderboards and incentive charades. But now, after all this time, the team finally has to deliver on its airdrop.

$BLAST launches tomorrow at 10AM EST.

Who's Getting Blast's Airdrop?
Blast’s success has primarily hinged on users’ perceptions that interacting with the network will position them to receive lucrative token rewards, making it imperative for Blast to conduct a well-received airdrop to maintain its market dominance.

Although a monster initial airdrop allocation would certainly make users feel valued for their past activities, it would diminish the value of future airdrop incentives and dilute the potency of this airdrop farm. Alternatively, too small of an initial drop risks aggravating users and unraveling the belief that unclear BLAST allocation schemes are worth chasing.

In total, Blast reserved 50% of the total 100B BLAST supply for the community, with 17B of these tokens – roughly one-third of the total community allocation – set to be distributed through the initial, or Phase 1, airdrop.

The top 0.1% of airdrop recipients, about 1k addresses, will have to vest a portion of their airdrop linearly over 6 months and will be subject to minimum monthly Points thresholds based on their Phase 1 activity to fully vest their allocation – a clear effort to keep whales and their capital involved in the network's future.

An additional 8B BLAST subject to a 4-year linear unlock was granted to the recently established Blast Foundation, an organization intended to help the community realize the “Blast Vision,” further details of which are scheduled to be unveiled tomorrow alongside the airdrop.

On the other hand, a successful initial drop would build an outsized aura around the network and likely attract an increased amount of users and capital seeking to farm future incentives to Blast, turbocharging onchain metrics, bolstering the valuation of BLAST, and increasing the attractiveness of this opportunity!

Which future awaits Blast? We'll have a good idea in a few hours!

Written by JackInabinet
10 days ago
> be nappin
> get woken up because "MARKETS ARE NUKING"
> check #BIRDDOG

what nuke bros? the bros are vibing, the bros are working, the bros are FUCKING SENDING


come vibe t.me/birddogentry, i promise you'll never be the same
15 days ago
Is OP_CAT the missing piece for BTC L2s?

This opcode has everyone talking; what does it do?

A beginner's guide 👇

Bitcoin L2s are the talk of the town, but not much of their promise has been realized yet.

What are Bitcoin's builders waiting for?

One significant proposal could help mature the Bitcoin L2 landscape: the reintroduction of OP_CAT. This opcode, which was disabled early in Bitcoin's history, could unlock new capabilities and pave the way for more sophisticated and trustless Bitcoin L2 solutions.

Let's dig into why this opcode could be so transformative for BTC 👇

What is OP_CAT?
Okay, so why is this seemingly random opcode so controversial? OP_CAT, or "Operation Concatenate" is an opcode in Bitcoin's scripting language that allows for the concatenation of two data elements.

Initially proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto, OP_CAT was disabled in 2010 due to security concerns related to its original implementation, specifically potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks caused by unbounded memory usage.

The introduction of the Taproot upgrade in 2021 has mitigated these original concerns. Taproot enforces a maximum stack element size of 520 bytes, addressing the memory usage issue that led to OP_CAT's deactivation. With this security improvement and resurgent Bitcoin development interest, thanks to Ordinals and Runes, a movement to reintroduce OP_CAT to enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities is gaining steam, aiming to put more complex transaction capabilities in reach.

Are Covenants and Smart Contracts Different?
One reason why OP_CAT is so compelling is because it can actualize covenants, i.e. spending conditions, on Bitcoin. Covenants and smart contracts are both mechanisms for controlling the flow of funds in a blockchain network, but they operate in distinct ways.

Purpose: Restrict how funds can be spent in future transactions.
Functionality: Implement specific spending constraints, such as limiting addresses or setting conditions on fund transfers.
Complexity: Generally involves simpler, deterministic logic without loops or complex computations.
Implementation: Can be implemented using Bitcoin Script with enhancements like OP_CAT.

Smart Contracts:
Purpose: Automate a wide range of processes and transactions.
Functionality: Handle complex tasks such as decentralized exchanges, token issuance, and multi-party agreements.
Complexity: Support complex conditional logic, including loops and intricate computations.
Implementation: Commonly implemented on platforms like Ethereum using high-level programming languages.

Why Does OP_CAT Matter for Bitcoin L2s?
OP_CAT would prove crucial for advancing Bitcoin L2 solutions because it enhances the scripting capabilities needed for more complex and trustless Bitcoin infra. First, OP_CAT allows for covenants, enabling the construction of more complex scripts. This is essential for creating advanced transaction conditions and functionalities required for L2 solutions.

Additionally, if OP_CAT is activated, projects like StarkWareLtdare on standby to develop atop it. StarkWare has plans to leverage OP_CAT for bringing zero-knowledge (ZK) scaling to #Bitcoin to enable advanced financial instruments and apps on the network. StarkWare’s involvement here underscores the broader ecosystem's readiness to capitalize on the enhanced capabilities that OP_CAT would introduce.

As such, as the community continues to explore and test the possibilities around this proposal, the future of Bitcoin L2s looks promising and ripe with potential. At this point, reactivating OP_CAT seems like a matter of when not if!

Written by
16 days ago
The Firedancer project, a complete rewrite of the Solana validator client by Jump, is now operational on the testnet. This project promises to significantly improve network performance by processing over a million transactions per second (TPS) on standard hardware
23 days ago (E)
Good evening fellow degens, short summary of the GME earnings report below:

GameStop reported a significant Q1 2024 earnings miss, with revenue at $882 million, well below the expected $995 million. The company also posted a net loss of $32 .3 million, though this was an improvement from last year's $50 .5 million loss. Additionally, GameStop announced plans to sell up to 75 million shares, which contributed to a nearly 20% drop in its stock price. Despite the disappointing financial results, the stock saw a brief surge due to the return of prominent retail investor Keith Gill, known as "Roarin
24 days ago
Anyone have any promising projects that is still below 200k mcap to recommend? - Only projects with utilities.
28 days ago
It's obviously $nigi . A relentless, cult like community that grows stronger everyday. A team that is transparent and delivers what they promise. People stepping up left and right to see how they can help. Top notch raiding and supporters. The black cat of solana. $Nigi is rare.
Afshar Nazeri
1 month ago
Altseason is just around the corner.

But only 1% of projects will survive and give 100x+ returns.

My bet is on AI and DePIN: the most promising narratives of this bull run.

Here're 10 AI x DePIN projects with the highest potential 👇🧵
Afshar Nazeri
1 month ago
Altseason is just around the corner.

But only 1% of projects will survive and give 100x+ returns.

My bet is on AI and DePIN: the most promising narratives of this bull run.

Here're 10 AI x DePIN projects with the highest potential 👇🧵
2 months ago
$PROMI (ticker: PROMI)
$PROMI is promote&earn utility coin. Dive into the $PROMI revolution and win prizes. Don't miss your chance to join the journey and witness $PROMI ascent to prominence across Solana, Jupiter, and whole ecosystem. Our mission is to help communities thru marketing process. We will choose the most reliable projects for you. Check our coin we will be promoting this month, do tasks and win $SOL prizes.

2 months ago
Welcome to the BullVerse Lottery, where every player holds the promise of extraordinary winnings! Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of luck and fortune. Good luck!🚀❤️
HAF Cloud
2 months ago
#CHENG listed on CoinMarketCap few days prior, and now it's live on coingecko as promised.
#CHENG have submitted for approval on Jupiter Strict list

#CryptoNews #crypto #SOL #Solana #meme #memecoin #trending
HAF Cloud
2 months ago
#CHENG listed on CoinMarketCap few days prior, and now it's live on coingecko as promised.
#CHENG have submitted for approval on Jupiter Strict list

#CryptoNews #crypto #SOL #Solana #meme #memecoin #trending
HAF Cloud
2 months ago
#CHENG listed on Coin Gecko as promised. Don't forget about CoinMarketCap listing also!

One of most bullish communitys that i have been around recently and the team also smashing it hard every day, much potential!

Joe Biden
2 months ago
Imagine the whitepaper for a @DonaldTrump Coin – just a bunch of empty promises and exclamation marks. I'd rather keep my integrity!

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