22 hours ago
The people making the most money on Solana are the devs

Not the meme coin creators who call themselves "dev"

But the actual devs in the trenches everyday fighting bugs and syntax errors
7 days ago
Raj Gokal the co-founder of Solana has been encouraging devs and users aloke to make good use of the new "Blinks and Actions" Tech.

He wrote "Devs, if you’re focused on growth, start experimenting with this tech ASAP. Users, get ready to see your feed transformed".
11 days ago
Users are anticipating rewards coming from Solana devs after the co-founder of Solana Aeyakovenko encourages mobile devs on Solana to incentivize users to switch to Solana Mobile by offering them digital assets as incentives.
20 days ago
It just became official that Circle's Programmable Wallets now supports #Solana

Builders on Solana can now embed secure wallets tailored to their apps and sponsor transaction fees of their users to streamline user experience.

Programmable Wallets enables #devs to build on Solana using flexible REST APIs in any language.

Devs can combine Programmable Wallets with Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol to create apps that span Solana and EVM blockchains.

23 days ago
Solana has seen changes in its token economics or tokenomics as we call it.

There's been proposals to adjust the fee structures and incentivize validators. These changes are been made by the devs in other to enhance the network's security and encourage long-term growth.
2 months ago (E)
Gm Bulls,

Hope all of u are holding ur bags tight cause devs are constantly cooking. This morning we got an update of a topic section on TG.

If u have some topic ideas share them in a comment section or directly in TG group. I am sure that ur ideas will be considered.
2 months ago
Taking a poll and seeking some devs and seed investors.... I bought the domain name solanasexklub.com and I need help making the onlyfans of solana with an nft marketplace and a casino in the dapp with it and launching its own tokens and a vc dao in it with a 50 50 raffle each month..... maybe more maybe less depends on the consensus....... #crypto

Interesting plan do it.

Bad idea

Interested in seed invest

Dev willing to help

Interested in buying doma

2 people voted
matt! johnson
2 months ago
Devs didnt sell shit. This gonna slow moon then rip hard as fuck...

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