6 days ago
Sentiment is down, and critics have been quick to point out ETH's underperformance against SOL while largely attributing this to a perceived loss of mindshare and users to L2s.

This narrative has sparked a crucial debate: Are L2s Ethereum?

brings the analysis...


🤔 Symbiotic or Separatist?
L2s have been a core component of Ethereum's rollup-centric roadmap from the very beginning. They were envisioned as extensions (technical and cultural) of Ethereum, designed to expand its capabilities and attract a broader user base.

At their core, L2s are deeply linked with Ethereum. They share its DNA — relying on ETH as the currency, benefitting from Ethereum's security blanket, and utilizing it for data storage and settlement. It's like a startup leveraging its parent company's infrastructure and brand recognition, a win-win for both.

The symbiotic relationship between L2s and Ethereum is undeniable. L2s thrive on Ethereum's infrastructure and security, while Ethereum benefits from the increased activity and increased demand for ETH, making it a better store of value.

By offering lower fees and faster transaction times, L2s have made it easier for developers to build different types of applications. Look at the explosion of memecoins on Base or the rise of SocialFi platforms like Farcaster creating new markets for users.

Beyond that, L2s are becoming major hubs for DeFi activity, and ETH, the asset, is at the heart of this ecosystem. Look at the numbers:
— these chains are dominated by ETH-related assets.

🧛‍♂️ Vampire attack?
However, one of the primary arguments against the rollup-centric approach to scaling Ethereum is the assumption that L2s may not continue to rely on Ethereum. Sure, L2s and Ethereum seem like a happy family now. But what if L2s build their own empires and ditch Ethereum altogether? No more relying on Ethereum for security, no more ETH as gas, not even needing Ethereum's block space.

This "L2s go rogue" fear is a legitimate concern. Technically, they could build independent ecosystems with their own validators as they would then be able to own the entire modular blockchain stack. So, is this the future – a messy breakup between L2s and Ethereum? Not necessarily.

We can all agree that there are perhaps a few too many L2s. Too many copycats. Too little differentiation. It's like a thousand startups chasing the same market, all promising the same thing. This isn't healthy.

What we need are L2s that matter. L2s that offer something unique, something that sets them apart. Security, app diversity, GTM strategy — these are the areas where we need to see real innovation.

But we must be wary of ‘echo chambers’. These zones of chains should not become isolated universes. A healthy L2 ecosystem is one where chains work together, not in isolation. We need bridges, not moats.

We need collaboration. We need communication. We need education. We need incentives. We need to build shared infrastructure and standards that foster seamless connectivity across L2s. Only then can we truly win together.

💭 Closing Thoughts
You can say that L2s aren’t Ethereum. You can argue L2s aren’t even extensions of Ethereum. But you cannot deny the fact that L2s enhance the utility of Ethereum and ETH.

The "L2s vs. Ethereum" debate is a false dichotomy. This isn't a zero-sum game. Ultimately, Ethereum and L2s are in this together. Let's build a future where Ethereum and L2s thrive as a symbiotic whole, and push the crypto ecosystem forward.
9 days ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - September 8

Moonshot is starting to get attention after Mitch pushes a coin based on the fact that you can get paid LP fees

Get Paid To Hold
$husky -> hit $2 .14m, pushed by idrawline, $212k in LP rewards
$lpdog -> hit $271k , LP Dog, $18k in LP rewards
$rugs -> hit $219k , $6k in LP rewards
$pepe8bit -> hit $141k , $7 .5k in LP rewards
- Memecoin devs & top 50 holders on moonshotdotcc get paid fees from MeteoraAG's LP pool
- The creator of the coin gets 20% of rewards from fees
- The top 50 holders AT THE TIME OF MIGRATION get 70%
- 10% goes to moonshot
- This encourages people to hold & seems to be creating a temporarily new meta

Bullish Tickers - Play On Words
$btc -> $1m to $2 .48m (2.48x), "Big Titty Chicken"
$roi -> hit $679k , "Retarded Online Investment"
$fag -> hit $326k , "Flying Autistic Gummybear", good holder count, patty_fi onboard
$wait -> hit $313k , "Correction Guy"
$ape -> hit $295k , "Ape Life Savings"
$pub -> hit $216k , "pure unadulterated bliss", twitter community

Pepe On Sol Silently Reviving
$pepe -> $1 .46m to $9 .6m (6.57x), originally was heavily pushed by Pauly, his twitter has been suspended

Hyped Launch
$pumpy -> hit $4 .4m, "PUMPY NO DUMPY", KOLs onboard

More Cooks
$d .o.g.e -> $330k to $4 .6m (14x), "Dep of Gov Efficiency"
$r /gustav -> hit $696k , "Reddit Bull", same meta as $r /snoofi
$justcats -> hit $389k , "Cats are always the meta"
$pol -> hit $244k
$pez -> hit $180k , "PEZ Dispenser", nostalgic
$drift -> hit $153k
$bingus -> hit $143k

Market sentiment can flip at any moment - be prepared 🤝
29 days ago
Introducing Feyk $NOOZ new Mascot $oscar !

shoutout to
for being the coolest dog on Solana! maybe 1 day we can scare off the cats away together!

thinks he's super cute too!

did you see the part where he took a dump on
sorry about oscar bro!


Livestream on Pumpfun: https://pump.fun/BTqniocxq...

TG: https://t.me/oscardogsol

1 month ago
I'm buying it. I think it's gonna be to the moon
CA: 6VR3ngagXzGJRCjd8GM1mCcD8zYWXwRzKUuyS3e5pump
2 months ago
GM from $POPDOG !

We prefer dogs 🐶🐶 but like cats too 🤣🤣
2 months ago
$POPDOG and Ned gone hunting 🐶👨🏻
Target in sight 🎯
Flip the kitty!

Dogs > Cats

#SouthPark $POPCAT 🙀
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 25

Overall slow day

Smoking Chicken Fish Steals The Show
$scf -> $14 .9m to $53 .6m (3.6x), "Church of the Smoking Chicken Fish"
$cfsm -> hit $1 .25m, "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster", beta to $scf
$crabs -> hit $540k , "Smoking Crabby", "The Holy Church of Bottom Feeders", beta to $scf
- Weird meme, but original
- Ansem bought & helped push this blknoiz06

- First time in a while that we see something that doesn't fit current metas (dogs, cats, matt furie characters, etc.) push this high

Mumu Blasts Through ATH
$mumu -> $82m to $187m (2.28x), Matt_Furie meme
- Whales heavily accumulating
- Someone 1 clip bought $2m worth and started clipping out of their position right after

$ETH whales push Brainlet
$brainlet -> $610k to $20 .8m (34x), popular meme

Mainstream Memes
$aura -> $32 .2m to $52 .3m (1.62x), great team
$manifest -> $2 .16m to $9 .67m (4.47x), CTO, team keeps pushing
$hmu -> $320k to $3 .4m (10.6x), "hit me up"
$omg -> hit $1 .22m, CTO'd
$test -> hit $948k , "testosterone"
$affirm -> hit $933k , same vibe as $manifest
$fml -> hit $265k
$bidness -> hit $260k , "standing on bidnes", CTO, cute cat

Chosen Memes of The Day
$oreo -> hit $1 .35m, dog with oreo-like fur
$usdt -> hit $1 .27m, "Ultimate Supreme Degen Tiger", fire meme, CTO

More Cooks
$karris -> $855k to $4 .7m (5.5x), "Kamela Karris", redacted KamalaHarris

$ikigai -> $1 .43m to $3 .8m (2.65x), wholesome
$meta -> $79k to $1 .56m (19.8x), wizard meme, cult-like community forming
$puppet -> hit $9 .22m, popular meme
$apu -> hit $4m , ran straight to millions, heavily bundled
$god -> hit $820k , "The First Dev"
$ets -> hit $575k , based on ETHEREALSOLS33

$lenny -> hit $540k , CTO, "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" meme
$raid -> hit $490k
$visualize -> hit $317k , CTO
$coca -> hit $398k , "Cocaine Shark"
$jesus -> hit $271k , "The First CTO Leader", beta to $god

Once we get back to full bull mode & retail starts coming in, people will stop jeeting for 10% profit

Until then, keep stacking your gains while minimizing risk🤝
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 19

$sol pumping -> good for our bags

Volume was mid today, but still had a decent amount of runners

Runner Of The Day
$ponzi -> hit $15 .8m, J.Ponzi.Morgan
- Launched by the same guy that pushed $dog to $9m +
- 70% of supply locked for 100 years
- This took most of the liquidity today

Good Memes
$lol -> hit $8 .35m, most used emoji, good art, CA starts with LoL, heavily pushed
$culture -> hit $1m , "Men Of Culture", popular sentence on twitter, CTO
$cope -> hit $1m , good meme, good team
$valhalla -> hit $300k , "We are going to Valhalla"

Shrek Memes
$shrek -> hit $750k , popular shrek smile gif, CTO, old coin (14th pumpfun coin ever created)
$donkeh -> hit $400k , old coin got revived cause $shrek was running

Bobo On Sol Launch
$bobo -> hit $3 .75m, "Bobo The Bear", popular meme
- The one on eth is sitting at $90m
- Has been launched on sol a bunch of times already, but none ever stuck
- $mumu on sol has been running lately
- $mumu on sol was launched after the one on eth but surpassed it by far
- $mumu (on sol) flips $bobo (on eth)

Dog Memes
$boppy -> $730k to $1 .6m (2.19x), CTO
$goldy -> hit $2 .26m, golden retriever, very good team
$mooni -> hit $1m , CTO
$magy -> hit $316k , MAGA (Trump's slogan) + dog, good community
$illusion -> hit $310k , good volume

Cat Memes
$mini -> $1 .9m to $22 .6m (11.89x from the low), continues to push, team has a lot planned
$garfi -> hit $1 .3m, based on Garfield
$twinny -> hit $580k , twin cats
$schizo -> hit $500k , CTO
$richi -> hit $460k , "The Richest Cat In Crypto", CTO
$tweakin -> hit $400k , Tripped out cat, "DTO - Dev Take over" lol
$goat -> hit $400k , "Goated", tiktok memes like $aura are pushing, derivatives will follow, cat in a goat costume, CTO
$shiny -> hit $295k , CTO, a shiny cat

More Cooks
$time -> $500k to $2 .45m (4.9x), launched on moonshot
$peanie -> $1 .25m to $10m (8x), chart pushed hard today, penguin meme
$bill -> hit $20m , "Bill The Bear", pushed by KOLs, hyped launch
$meat -> hit $1 .1m, based on
blknoiz06, NSFW
$trett -> hit $675k , trump + $brett
$stick -> hit $640k , "Gas Powered Stick", funny meme
$bloom -> hit $300k , 4chan meme
$it -> hit $285k , simple but good art

Coming into the weekend, I expect things to become even more PvP, focus on protecting your money

Relax on the weekend, lock in for Monday 🤝
2 months ago (E)
Join us today Wed 7/17/24 at 4pm EST for our 6th MEGA Space of ‘Crypto Couch Talk’ w/ INFLUENCERS, YOUTUBERs and 50 top PROJECTS on the banner!

🚨Joint Space link 🎤


Hosted by
@POPDOGsolcoin (https://x.com/POPDOGsolcoi...), 0xdr_defi (https://x.com/0xDr_DeFi) & K1dandWalt (https://x.com/K1dandWalt)
W/ all 60 speakers listed below!

Influencers and YouTubers:

CryptosR_Us (https://x.com/CryptosR_Us)
TheSolSaver (https://x.com/TheSolSaver)
Fityeth (https://x.com/Fityeth)
thedabatola (https://x.com/thedabatola)
fecktk (https://x.com/fecktk)
K1d_Crypt0 (https://x.com/K1d_Crypt0)
ParabolicCalls (https://x.com/ParabolicCal...)
RicoMoneybags (https://x.com/RicoMoneybag...)
memecon_lol (https://x.com/MEMECON_lol)
MemeFestWTF (https://x.com/MemeFestWTF)
$POPDOG ‘s friends! CRYPTO is better w FRIENDS! Your network is your Net worth!!! 🤜🤛 💰💰💰

gmecoinsol (https://x.com/gmecoinsol)
Baby_token_sol (https://x.com/Baby_token_s...)
omnomtoken (https://x.com/omnomtoken)
ADAonSOL (https://x.com/ADAonSOL)
OGcatwifcoin (https://x.com/OGcatwifcoin)
DeepSpaceDPS (https://x.com/DeepSpaceDPS)
monke_meme_eth (https://x.com/monke_meme_e...)
redthemals (https://x.com/redthemals)
BonkOfA (https://x.com/BonkOfA)
StanleyPupToken (https://x.com/StanleyPupTo...)
BabaTokenSol (https://x.com/BabaTokenSol)
PopcatBaseToken (https://x.com/PopcatBaseTo...)
updogtoken (https://x.com/updogtoken)
XPXtoken (https://x.com/XPXtoken)
jeeter_on_sol (https://x.com/jeeter_on_so...)
bekeleonsol (https://x.com/bekeleonsol)
steakdtx (https://x.com/steakdtx)
mooskonsol (https://x.com/mooskonsol)
BullVerse_ (https://x.com/BullVerse_) @bullverse
TrumpCash47 (https://x.com/TrumpCash47)
AMWToken (https://x.com/AMWToken)
HegeCoin (https://x.com/HegeCoin)
YoungPeezy_Pepe (https://x.com/YoungPeezy_P...)
MIMoneySol (https://x.com/MIMoneySol)
movement_solana (https://x.com/movement_sol...)
@PengyOS_sol (https://x.com/PengyOS_sol)
RedSolsX (https://x.com/RedSolsX)
jizzussolana (https://x.com/jizzussolana)
TTFBot (https://x.com/TTFBot)
@FeykNooz (https://x.com/FeykNooz)
@GameBoyOnSol (https://x.com/GameBoyOnSol)
jeetolaxonbase (https://x.com/jeetolaxonba...)
Harvardwashing (https://x.com/Harvardwashi...)
TargetCart_SOL_ (https://x.com/TargetCart_S...)
TrumpSolMAGA (https://x.com/TrumpSolMAGA)
Lightspeed_Coin (https://x.com/Lightspeed_C...)
RealGoatCoin (https://x.com/RealGoatCoin)
kitsunetokensol (https://x.com/kitsunetoken...)
TheSolanaMayor (https://x.com/TheSolanaMay...)
TheGudBanana (https://x.com/TheGudBanana)
nothingiscrypto (https://x.com/nothingiscry...)
ZazaOnSolana (https://x.com/ZazaOnSolana)
preOnSol (https://x.com/preOnSol)
MoonstersWeb3 (https://x.com/MoonstersWeb...)
BasedTHC (https://x.com/BasedTHC)
SOLbirddog (https://x.com/SOLbirddog)
@POPDOGsolcoin (https://x.com/POPDOGsolcoi...) $POPDOG

And more!!! 🙌

#crypto and #MEMES massive chill and shill dropping their Alpha 🚀🚀

All Projects are invited! 🐶🐱🦊🐸🦍

And POPCAT on SOL your INVITED again too! 🥳 POP POP POP We’re all freinds here! We don’t bite, We POP! 🐶🐱 $POPCAT POPCATSOLANA (https://x.com/POPCATSOLANA)

POPCATwtf (https://x.com/POPCATwtf)

And the BIG DOGS on SOLANA! $WIF 🐕 $BONK 🦮 $MYRO 🐕‍🦺
Astro peng
2 months ago
🪂 After $DOGS and $CATS , a new project surfs the meta of the telegram users airdrop, $PEPES 🐸

➡️ https://t.me/TONPEPES_BOT

You never know 🤷‍♂️
3 months ago
GM my fellow black cats
The Cat Stays Black
#Solana #bullish #memecoin
4 months ago
Well the last project by 0xwinged went to 100mil with no utility…..you do the maths….

Financial Nihilist
4 months ago (E)
I’m the ultimate financial nihilist out there. Shill me your god damn dogs and cats coins… $Bull

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