Astro peng
2 days ago
🇧🇹 The Kingdom of Bhutan owns 13,029 Bitcoin, worth over $750 million.

Unlike most governments, Bhutan's BTC does not come from asset seizures by law enforcement, but from Bitcoin mining operations run by the Kingdom of Bhutan's investment arm, Druk Holdings.
Astro peng
1 month ago
🇺🇸 US Government Transfers $600 Million of #Bitcoin Silk Road Seizure Directly to Coinbase

In total, 10,000 BTC were moved by the United States.

It is not yet clear whether the US plans to sell or keep the assets.

1 month ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - August 11

Market is slower compared to a couple days ago, but it's always to be expected on weekends

Runners Of The Day
$crocs -> $1m to $36m (36x), "Crocs In Sport Mode", dog meme
$hazel -> hit $3 .2m, dog with food on his head, $michi dev (ATH $300m +)

Crying Animals
$crying -> hit $10m , "crying cat", old coin that pushed today (was dead before), lots of KOLs involved & whale buys
$crying -> hit $850k , "crying dog", CTO, same dev as crying cat, pumped after crying cat's success

Elon Meta
$grok2 -> hit $2 .55m, elonmusk
tweeted that Grok 2 beta will be out soon

Dog Memes
$boppy -> $452k to $1 .45m (3.2x), CTO, ATH at $2 .3m 2+ weeks ago
$coby -> hit $500k
$mok -> hit $330k
$dawg -> hit $240k , "dawg in me"

More Cooks
$kolt -> $725k to $4 .9m (6.76x), team continues to push, slow cook that heavily pushed today
$eric -> $356k to $1 .3m (3.65x), launched on dexscreener
's moonshot 2 days ago
$slc -> hit $1 .3m, "Soltoshi Nakamato, the creator of Solcoin", dev locked 71% of supply
$qcat -> hit $840k , "Quantum Cat"
$ariel -> hit $800k , cat meme, launched a couple days ago
$weiner -> hit $750k
$knobgob -> hit $750k , Matt Furie meme Matt_Furie

$usdc -> hit 700k, "Unstoppable Salmon Doing Cocaine", similar vibe to $scf , ticker is a play on the stablecoin
$miki -> hit $470k , "Ikea Monkey", CTO
$P1SS -> hit $440k , Mercedes CLR GTR-P1SS, pushed by influencers
$karen -> hit $260k , good meme on karens

A lot of coins dropping without a specific meta

The consistent amount of volume that memes have been getting (regardless of market conditions) over the last 5+ months is one of the most impressive things I've seen in crypto

Will we get a bullish end of year?
1 month ago
$ORE mining has shown significant activity since the launch of V2.

➡️ Total Miners: 30,750
➡️ Fees Paid by Miners: 1,498 $SOL
➡️ Total Transactions: 7.19 million (14% of total Solana transactions).
Astro peng
1 month ago
🇸🇻 An IMF mission to El Salvador issued a statement focused on supporting the country's medium-term growth, including policies to reduce risks associated with #Bitcoin .

"Progress has been made in negotiations for a Fund-supported program focusing on policies to strengthen public finances, bolster bank reserves, improve governance and transparency, and mitigate risks related to bitcoin."

These include proposals on the management of bitcoin as legal tender in the country and the approximately 5,750
BTC held by the government.

"On bitcoin, while many risks have yet to materialize, it is jointly recognized that further efforts are needed to improve transparency and mitigate potential fiscal and financial stability risks to the bitcoin project."

2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - August 1

Can't believe we're already in August

Only 5 months left in the year, make them count

Runners Of The Day
$144p -> hit $5 .8m, 144p quality picture of a dog, blurry picture, CTO
$nib -> hit $2 .25m, CTO, baby chicken meme
$144p -> hit $425k , cat beta of $144p (dog version)

Harry Potter Meta
$gryff -> hit $764k , Gryffindor, one of the four Hogwarts houses
$sly -> hit $750k , Slytherin
$raven -> hit $600k , Ravenclaw, blknoiz06's pick out of the four houses
$huffle -> hit $320k , Hufflepuff

High Market Cap Plays
$scf -> $67m to $121 .7m (1.81x), smoking chicken fish wicks a new ATH
$fwog -> $18 .5m to $42 .8m (2.3x), community relaunch supported by the artist of the first one where dev rugged,

$neiro -> $4 .2m to $16 .1m (3.8x), Kabosu's brother

Political Meta
$coconut -> $1 .05m to $7 .79m (7.42x), based on what KamalaHarris
has said in a conference, content is good
$dtc -> hit $300k , "Trump Classic", oldschool pics of realDonaldTrump

Zoomer Memes
$gay -> $439k to $3 .9m (8.9x), pushed by ansem & friends
$ss -> hit $940k , "Shooters Shoot", based on the Turkish viral shooter at the Olympics
$dikec -> hit $789k , "Cool Turkish Hitman"
$gfn -> hit $460k , "Green Fn", tiktok meta

Cat Memes
$onigiri -> $225k to $1 .8m (8x), $doge family meta
$floated -> hit $760k , "Floated Cat"
$car -> hit $270k , cute cat

Dog Meta
$sob -> hit $680k
$stucky -> hit $210k , dog stuck under a chair

Other Cooks
$n64 -> hit $1 .2m, nintendo 64 meme, "cat poop joystick"
$pepe -> hit $850k , another $pepe on sol
$pickle -> hit $795k , literally just a pickle, lots of whales aped
$suhc -> hit $500k , "Smoking Used Honda Civic"
$punpun -> hit $398k , makes me lose brain cells type of meme = bullish, silly bird
$cob -> hit $280k , corn meme
$gub -> hit $256k , CTO, bullfrog
$oof -> hit $200k , "out of funds"

The market was not the best today, partly due to the fact that $sol decreased to $158 from a high of $193

Stack the small wins
2 months ago
Мой путь по принятию гениальности этого проекта, начался еще в далеком 2022 ). Я услышал о нем от старшего брата, услышал как он восхищался его написанием постов и это меня заинтересовало, я просто следил, читал мысли какого-то чувака, которого знать не знал. И что-то меня в нем зацепило, хотя я не понимал больше половины информации, которую он давал.
Он давал колы по трейдам, которым я следовал и делал в месяц стабильно +60 % к депозиту, но речь не про это.
Тут я хочу писать и выражать свои мысли о нем. Я залетел в проект на 3к$ курс тогда был около 2$ пошла инфа о оди во всех криптоканалах и хуякс, курс взлетел до 8$ я вышел (в силу своей неопытности) курс ушел в боковик, который длился около 3-ех недель и у меня начали трястись руки от хороших иксов, я начал скалпить и нахуй доскалпился, вернулся к прошлому депозиту и забил хер на епучий скальпинг, думаю если я в проекте, то буду сидеть до талого. Как говорится - терпение окупается. Я увидел курс в 40$ чему был невероятно рад потому что в мои 19 лет, это был мой второй заработанный миллион, и тут начался день х, пошел дичайший фад о котором было слышно во всех криптоканалах. И тут у меня пошли сомнения, почему о хорошем человеке говорят такое ? Но это пока опустим.
Через неделю после фада мы увидели листинг на cex (mex)
где оди был не доволен, что его токен залистился на фьючерсах, я сразу же перегнал всю ликву на эту биржу и начао нахуй опять скальпить (лудка ебаная) депозит у меня остановился на уровне 3к$ и тут началось самое смешное, что я видел на крипторынке за все время, началась битва между лучшим маркетмейкером и биржей, Оди начал давай колы, что будет рушить, дампить, пампить цену. Я залетал практически во все его колы и делал с 200$ стабильно 10 иксов, эта борьба закончилась на моменте когда я встал в лонг (пздцневезуха) около недели фада про оди, все сми писали, что петр лунев кидалово и вот сижу я в лонге и вижу - 20% пнл, не придавая этому значению холжу дальше, а дальше оказалось только хуже, за 20% последовало -80 % и я решил выйти и через пару дней мне всплывает уведомление, что оди снова колит. А кол был на то, что (щас мы выебем биржу в хвост и гриву) а денег то нахуй у меня уже и нет, после кола прошло 10 минут и с 17$ курса мы увидели отметку в 750$ нахуййййййййййййййййййййй.
Какая здесь мораль, решайте сами, я тут просто выговариваюсь.
Меня преследовало самое долгое фомо в моей жизни, потому что я был в шаге от не смотрения на ценники в магазинах (для меня это многое значит) После долгой депресии я начал все с начало, начал анализировать свои ходы и мысли оди, после долгих рассуждений, самокопаний, я пришел к выводу, что скальпинг это не мое XD но это не весь вывод. Оди никогда меня не скамил, а наоборот хотел, чтобы я заработал, но в силу своей неопытности в крипте, я делал самые опрометчивые ходы, которые только мог сделать.
Написав свою ахению выше, хочу сказать, что я перешел обратно в арбитраж и начал закидывать по 2% от ежедневного заработка на биржу полоних и покупать на эти средства гримас, потому что Оди не Скамер) и я до сих пор верю, что он хочет, чтобы я заработал.
Если вы это прочитали, то заранее извиняюсь за текс, я никогда не писал ничего подобное, максимум только диктанты в школе.
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 29

Great volume today

Market is seriously picking back up, keep reading 👇

Rug Turns Into A Community Relaunch
$fwog -> hit $17m , community relaunch, $eth whales pushing
$flog -> hit $4 .11m, rug
$fwog -> hit $300k , OG fwog launched June 5th
- $flog launched and rugged, the artist was mad and decided to relaunch as $fwog
- This was the runner of the day

Zoomer Memes
$ong -> $7m to $25m (3.6x), 3% of supply has been locked up for 6 months ($350k)
$higher -> $500k to $2 .5m (5x), good CTO
$bro -> hit $1m , "It's a CTO bro"
$stoic -> hit $750k
$aylmao -> hit $616k

Smoking Chicken Fish Is Taking Over
$scf -> $47m to $107m (2.27x)
$scf -> hit $616k , OG smoking chicken fish from 2023

Buck To A Buck
$buck -> hit $4 .75m, CTO, dog meme, once this buck started moving, people started pushing around the OG one (which was previously inactive)
$buck -> hit $1m , OG buck
$dolla -> hit $600k , $buck derivative

Ginnan Is A Boy
$ginnan -> $16m to $44 .5m (2.78x), "Ginnan Doge's Sister"
$ginnan -> hit $2 .5m, "Ginnan Doge's Brother"
- "Ginnan Doge's Sister" ran to $40m +, but turns out that Ginnan is a boy which means that he's Doge's brother (not sister)

Dogecoin meta
$neiro -> $38 .5m to $82m (2.1x)
$suji -> $65k to $1 .5m (23x), Tsutsuji, "Doge's sister cat"
$MoM -> hit $3 .45m, "Mother of Memecoins", CTO, coin about $doge & $neiro 's mom
$oni -> hit $900k , cat meme, " $doge 's cat "

Dog Memes
$pupperfish -> hit $5m , viral dogfish
$nichi -> hit $1 .6m
$snuggy -> hit $510k , CTO
$dolly -> hit $450k

Cat Memes
$gpc -> hit $1m , "GoProCat", based on what a1lon9 (pumpfun's founder) said in an interview
$meo -> hit $885k , Chinese meme
$cc -> hit $500k , cult cate, has been made before
$chester -> hit $500k
$incel -> hit $440k

Other Cooks
$jet -> hit $775k , "Sardine 737"
$gigana -> hit $250k , woman $giga , CTO
$pumpy -> hit $220k

Imagine what happens when retail starts using trojan, BullX, photon, etc...
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 24

Despite stocks being down heavy on the day, $sol was pretty stable

Have a look at what happened 👇

Runners Of The Day
$eggy -> hit $5 .3m, literally an egg
$alpha -> hit $5m , KOLs onboard
$mystic -> hit $3 .3m, CTO, heavily pushed on twitter
$noah -> hit $1 .9m, CTO, pushed by lots of groups as " the next $billy "

Shape Meta
$circle -> hit $470k , literally just a circle
- Kickstarted the shape meta
- Plenty of shapes were launching on pump fun
- Square, triangle, star were some betas

Midget Olympics
$mog -> hit $3 .2m, their twitter says it all midget_olympics

Mystery Launch
$fried -> hit $4m
- These hyped launches always have an initial run-up due to hype & snipes
- They tend to die down after that unless the team has capital & a solid plan (this one is holding decently)

Smoking Chicken Fish Pushes
$scf -> $2 .6m to $24 .5m (9.42x), pushed by KOLs

Teams w/ Large Capital
$bill -> $24 .7m to $46 .6m (1.88x), Bill The Bear
$clown -> hit $87m
$parry -> hit $36m , very good team, good bird meme

Cat Memes
$ily -> $4 .21m to $13 .87m (3.29x), great CTO team
$fc -> $750k to $1 .78m (2.37x), "Floki Cat"
$bullish -> hit $1 .1m, Cat + Bull = Bullish, CTO
$skullcat -> hit $500k
$chiti -> hit $374k , CTO
$magic -> hit $324k , "Magic Cat"
$charm -> hit $315k , CTO
$gracie -> hit $237k , viral tiktok cat

Zoomer Memes
$hmu -> $20k to $1 .15m (57x), "hit me up"
$brat -> hit $6m , "Brat Summer"
$based -> hit $1 .95m, slang used all over social media
$omg -> hit $485k , "On My Grind"
$gac -> hit $360k , "Goofy Ahh Coin"

More Cooks
$selfie -> $590k to $32 .7m (55x from the low), back from the dead
$guzuta -> $444k to $2 .17m (4.88x)
$taddy -> $50k to $615k (12.3x), "Daddy Trump", $daddy (Andrew Tate's coin) + Trump
$knight -> hit $1 .22m, "Fallen Knight", medieval meme
$csfm -> hit $450k , "Church of the flying spaghetti monster"
$gator -> hit $350k , instantly filled on pump fun, CTO
$crashout -> hit $240k , good meme

Traders are getting more experienced, scalpers are emerging since people don't hold trades for long

Most coins go to zero within 1 hour, remember to never become a community member
2 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - July 19

$sol pumping -> good for our bags

Volume was mid today, but still had a decent amount of runners

Runner Of The Day
$ponzi -> hit $15 .8m, J.Ponzi.Morgan
- Launched by the same guy that pushed $dog to $9m +
- 70% of supply locked for 100 years
- This took most of the liquidity today

Good Memes
$lol -> hit $8 .35m, most used emoji, good art, CA starts with LoL, heavily pushed
$culture -> hit $1m , "Men Of Culture", popular sentence on twitter, CTO
$cope -> hit $1m , good meme, good team
$valhalla -> hit $300k , "We are going to Valhalla"

Shrek Memes
$shrek -> hit $750k , popular shrek smile gif, CTO, old coin (14th pumpfun coin ever created)
$donkeh -> hit $400k , old coin got revived cause $shrek was running

Bobo On Sol Launch
$bobo -> hit $3 .75m, "Bobo The Bear", popular meme
- The one on eth is sitting at $90m
- Has been launched on sol a bunch of times already, but none ever stuck
- $mumu on sol has been running lately
- $mumu on sol was launched after the one on eth but surpassed it by far
- $mumu (on sol) flips $bobo (on eth)

Dog Memes
$boppy -> $730k to $1 .6m (2.19x), CTO
$goldy -> hit $2 .26m, golden retriever, very good team
$mooni -> hit $1m , CTO
$magy -> hit $316k , MAGA (Trump's slogan) + dog, good community
$illusion -> hit $310k , good volume

Cat Memes
$mini -> $1 .9m to $22 .6m (11.89x from the low), continues to push, team has a lot planned
$garfi -> hit $1 .3m, based on Garfield
$twinny -> hit $580k , twin cats
$schizo -> hit $500k , CTO
$richi -> hit $460k , "The Richest Cat In Crypto", CTO
$tweakin -> hit $400k , Tripped out cat, "DTO - Dev Take over" lol
$goat -> hit $400k , "Goated", tiktok memes like $aura are pushing, derivatives will follow, cat in a goat costume, CTO
$shiny -> hit $295k , CTO, a shiny cat

More Cooks
$time -> $500k to $2 .45m (4.9x), launched on moonshot
$peanie -> $1 .25m to $10m (8x), chart pushed hard today, penguin meme
$bill -> hit $20m , "Bill The Bear", pushed by KOLs, hyped launch
$meat -> hit $1 .1m, based on
blknoiz06, NSFW
$trett -> hit $675k , trump + $brett
$stick -> hit $640k , "Gas Powered Stick", funny meme
$bloom -> hit $300k , 4chan meme
$it -> hit $285k , simple but good art

Coming into the weekend, I expect things to become even more PvP, focus on protecting your money

Relax on the weekend, lock in for Monday 🤝
3 months ago
Despite uncertainty across the wider crypto markets, the Solana ecosystem continues to reward its loyal users with a wealth of liberal incentives and airdrops.

Which rewards programs and incentives should you have on your radar?

Ever since the $JUP TGE supporters and community members have been able to stake JUP tokens within Jupiter’s platform and vote on decentralized governance proposals that shape the direction and future of the protocol.

All voters and contributors, regardless of how they cast their votes, are eligible for a share of around $60M in Jupiter ASR (Active Staking Rewards). Allocations are calculated based on an individual account’s voting power and will be comprised of:


7.5B WEN


7.5M UPT

750,000 SHARK

These highly anticipated Active Staking Rewards are expected to be distributed before July 10, with an official allocation checker scheduled to go live sometime on July 5. It’s important to note that JUP claimed during the event will automatically added to your wallet’s staked amount.

Following the success of its gamified LST loyalty program, Wonderland, Sanctum’s initial $CLOUD airdrop is slated to go live in mid-July. Attracting over 300,000 participants and amassing over $1B TVL (Total Value Locked) in early June based on DeFiLlama data, Sanctum’s CLOUD airdrop is one of the ecosystem’s most eagerly awaited events.

Sanctum's CLOUD airdrop introduces a novel approach to token distribution. With 10% of the total allocated to the event, the Sanctum has made the decision to split reward users based not only on their Wonderland XP, but also on their 'Earnestness'.

An official date for the CLOUD airdrop is yet to be announced, but it expected to go live sometime in mid-July.

One of the largest DeFi applications by TVL in the Solana ecosystem, Marinade’s Season 3 Rewards program is well underway.

Expected to run for three months, Marinade Season 3 promises to distribute 25M MNDE tokens, currently valued at $2 .7M, to community members who deepen total mSOL liquidity. Users are encouraged to earn bonus MNDE incentives by providing mSOL liquidity in three different ways:

Kamino mSOL/SOL LP Vault - Up to 12.5M MNDE tokens will be allocated to users who provide mSOL/SOL liquidity on Kamino Finance. LP providers will also be eligible for Kamino rewards.

Looping Meteora mSOL/SOL LP Tokens - Up to 5M MNDE tokens will be allocated to users who deposit into mSOL/SOL pools on Meteora and strategically loop their yield through Solend.

Discretionary LP/Partner Rewards - The remaining 7.5M MNDE tokens will be distributed to community members who deepen mSOL liquidity through various other partnerships. These partnerships are dynamic and currently undisclosed.

Another Solana DeFi powerhouse, Kamino’s Season 2 records program is thriving in full force and scheduled to end around the end of July.

Reward allocations are calculated linearly based on points accrued through using the protocol’s various functions, including lending and borrowing markets. By staking KMNO, the platform’s native token, users receive multipliers that boost their point generation.

Kamino’s Season 2 rewards program has been further bolstered by the integration of PayPal’s PYUSD stablecoin, which has attracted over $38M in TVL at press time.

A clear winner of Jupiter’s Round 3 LFG Launchpad candidates, Debridge’s ongoing rewards program has attracted over 470,000 unique accounts and transferred over $3 .1B across different blockchains.

Accruing points through Debridge’s rewards program is straightforward, users simply need to transfer funds between chains using the protocol and by referring new users.

As of July 1st, the Parcl Perpetual Points program has entered its second season. Expected to last for the remainder of 2024, the
3 months ago

JupiterExchange recently announced that $60M worth of Active Staking Rewards (ASR) will be distributed this week.

The total pool will include:
- 50M $JUP
- 7.5B $WEN
- 7.5M $ZEUS
- 7.5M $UPT
- 750K $SHARK .
3 months ago
Daily Memecoin Recap - June 19

I missed the animal meta ngl

Dog meta
$bunny -> $87k to $1 .5m (17.2x), CTO
$vini -> hit $1 .5m, shiba inu aiming to rival $billy
$blinder -> hit $1m , peak blinders dog, CTO, called by KOLs
$sd -> hit $770k , shark dog, beta to $sc (shark cat), CTO
$camo -> hit $750k
$teddy -> hit $500k , golden retriever, burnt dev supply
$teef -> hit $450k

Cat meta
$pocat -> $265k to $2 .2m (8.3x), did an airdrop today
$lily -> hit $10m
$bebe -> $8 .7m
$ncat -> hit $1m

Mario Nawful claims that family members confirmed that $djt was related to Trump

$djt -> $78m to $176m (2.25x),
$barron -> $1 .65m to $6m (3.63x),
realDonaldTrump's son
$djtc -> hit $620k , "ShkreliTrumpTateAnsemRoxinu69", degen

Andrew Tate Puts Out A Poll: $daddy vs $rnt
$rnt -> $5 .25m to $15 .4m (2.93x), pumped as soon as the poll was posted, most thought
moved on from $rnt
$karma -> $51k to $730k (14.3x)

Landwolf Continues To Push
$wolf -> $47m to $102m (2.17x), heavily bundled with some of $brett 's team members

George Santos Posts A Pumpfun
$Q -> hit $4 .3m,
, possibility of his account being hacked

Matt Furie Memes
$brett -> hit $940k , " brett on $sol "
$sendy -> hit $2 .5m, "Dog by Matt Furie",

More Cooks
$asSol -> hit $3 .5m
$cityboys -> hit $968k , normie approved
$gilly -> hit $800k , goldfish meme
$king -> hit $500k , fake
coin, he followed their twitter
$fart -> hit $430k , fart noises

Watch out for coins that launch where a certain influencer is following their twitter

This is usually someone who sold their account

The buyer then changes the name/identity of the account to fool people into thinking a certain important person is involved

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