Tristan Tate
27 days ago
I am both a British and an American citizen:

Almost a year ago a foreign government seized both passports and all assets they could get their hands on citing claims against me which could have been disproven in seconds.


I’ve spent this entire year in custody, a lot of in prison. I am still under a form of arrest right now.

How was this allowed to happen?

Important lesson, your government doesn’t care about you.

Luckily I can take care of myself.

Your only real security is in your friends and your network.
27 days ago (E)
🚨$SEI Alert!🚨

$SEI on the verge of a breakout after half a year of consolidation. The longer the base, the higher in Space! 🚀🌌

First target: $1 .40 🎯
Second target: $1 .75 🎯

TradingView link: https://www.tradingview.co.../
Jack of few trades
2 months ago

Now is the time.
Seize the pump.fun breakdown opportunity
2 months ago

If you had one shot, or one opportunity,

to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment,

would you capture it, or just let it slip?

Joe Biden
2 months ago
Today, BullVerse stands as a beacon of financial empowerment for Americans, offering a platform to navigate the complexities of the crypto realm, seize lucrative investment prospects, and engage with a community that is driving economic progress. Together, let's harness the power of BullVerse to secure America's financial future. @bullverse #cryptorevolution
Bullverse Gold Usernames
2 months ago
Username : @SolanaSensei is avaiable for 4 Sol or Highest Bid Price .

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